This news is music to the US businesses like Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup Grumman etc. They are on all sides at the same time. Everyone knows that you cannot fight terrorists hiding in caves with F-18s. But US continue to supply the same to "Papistan". This has created an arms race in Indian sub-continent & now they want to supply the same to Indians too. They are even willing to sell the same to China but the US law prohibits the same. Till 9/11 happened, US consistently & continuously ignored Indian pleas for help on terrorism from across the border from Pakistan though they knew very well the terrorist camps on Pakistani soil. Why? It was not the American blood that was being spilled. Then more than 3000 lives were blown up on 9/11. India suddenly became an American friend because it suited their long-term interests both regionally & globally. They claim that India is their strategic partner but that did not stop them from spying on Indian soil or arresting Indians in US for exporting some controls of 1960 vintage used in rocket launches. You figure. Bottom line is everything is fair game as long it suits US interests. Will US continue to support the nuclear deal being talked about? Another regime change in Washington & there goes all treaties. Remember India is not Israel & India should follow what is in India's interest.
RE:Arms race
by rajan bedi on May 05, 2007 02:20 AM Permalink
Let's not forget root causes of India's security problems. We're a multi-colored liberal democracy, vulnerably open to any race, religion, caste or creed. Not a predominantly (honorary-)white christian/monotheist nation like most stinking rich Western or East Asian nations. Therefore the effective trick of divide&conquer continues to set ex-Indian territories against heartland India. This malevolent path was initiated by British, but has been treaded and hardened by many other nations (incl US,EU even China), leaving permanent scars on Indian continent, psychologically and in many malevolent ways. Our neighbours are mere pawns/instruments in hands of bigger players, selfishly seeking India's subservience. Our only hope is to see India as a pawn in the hands of the Gods and their Creator, because aside from defense, miracles are needed to save India. Pray to God, save us from the ruthless onslaughts. Jai Hind.
RE:Arms race
by Raju Puducode on May 05, 2007 04:06 AM Permalink
Very well put but another cause is the dis-unity & dont-bother-me attitude of average Indian. So every body is having a field day. Otherwise how do you explain the plundering taking place in the temples of south by secularists? Are you wondering from where they are getting funding, wonder no more. It is from Hindu temples to fund Haj pilgrimages, Vatican trip etc. It is OK to be peaceful but sometimes you have to fight for upholding Dharma as stated by Krishna in Bhagawad Githa. That time is now or we will perish since the threat is so great.
Examples of atrocities on Specific Hindu Temples. TIRUPATHI The state Govt. in association with Missionaries has particularly targeted the World famous Tirupathi temple. The subversive activities of Missionaries were zeroed at Tirumala temple itself. Attempted to tie up SVIMS Sri Venkateswara Institute for Medical Sciences with Christian Cherian Heart Foundation using 100 crores of TTD money. Padmavathi University Vice Chancellor Veena Noble Das appointed by Govt. is engaging in conversion activities on campus and is reported to be responsible for suicide of a student who was forced to convert (Andhra Jyothi, 3/30/3007). In July 2006, TV Journalist Om Prakash who attempted to record the Christian Evangelical activity was beaten up and his equipment was confiscated. SIMACHALAM Simachalam is the Ancient Temple of Narasimha Swamy. Very Recently the Temple has come under siege by Missionaries, who have been conducting aggressive conversions. In a span of 20 Months, four churches and 3 convent schools have come up in the vicinity at the foothills. Just one village Arilova has 35 churches. Out of 11,000 acres owned originally by temple, endowment department has record of only 8000 acres and it is believed that more than 3000 acres of land was encroached. BHADRACHALAM BHADRACHALAM is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Sri Ramachandra and situated on the banks of the sacred river Godavari. Govt. is currently planning to buy 900 acres of temple land at rate determined by Govt. for donation to victims of Polavaram project (Eenadu, 4/3/2007). On Hanuman Jayanthi day missionaries placed posters in the temple encouraging conversion (Eenadu, 5/24/06). The actions of evangelical Christian CM YSR Govt. suggests a well designed plan to decimate Hinduism in AP through destruction of Hindu Institutions and abetting massive illegal conversions. The entire state infrastructure is made available for these activities. Areas surrounding every major Hindu Temple has become center of intense conversion activity. Endowment Dept. permits enormous Christian prayer meeting on temple lands with advertisements in temples. Most important Hindu holidays such as Rama Navami are selected to be removed from Govt. holiday list. All activities are designed to encourage Hindus to convert and make difficult to practice Hinduism. The Major chunk of temple money is transferred for various political schemes while more than 40,000 Priests are given salary below Rs.500 /- Month and over 3,000 Priest are paid only Rs. 400 /- for the whole year. While Muslim and Christian institution funds are left untouched, Govt. relentlessly targets Hindu (e.g., TTD) money for various non-hindu projects. More Data on Assault on Hindu Institutions Endorsed by Hindu Community at large, Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, Bangalore Initiative for Religious Dialogue (Christians Against Proselytization), Indian American Intellectuals Forum. For more info please visit:, Hinduism never discriminated any religion. It considers every religion as true, every prayer as true. Hindus are said to help build churches when first Syrian Christians came to India. They gave home to many persecuted people of the world such as Zoroastrians and Sufi Muslims. India is the only country in the world where Jews were never persecuted. Now, Hindus own existence is being threatened in their own homeland. Gandhiji who fought all his life for social justice & religious tolerance was being true to Hindu Gita. He called religious conversions engaged by missionaries the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth. Selfish politicians like YSR are bent on destroying 10,000 year old Hindu Dharma. PLEASE DON%u2019T STANDBY & WATCH. TAKE ACTION & FIGHT FOR DHARMA. Demand that Govt. must allow Hindu Advisory Councils - nominated or elected by Hindu religious Leaders & Community to oversee the Endowment department and the TTD Board, and to provide guidance to Govt. as a first step, till denationalization is realized.
Also this attack on temples is so widespread all over. Now Maharashtra wants to take over temples. If they touch one mosque or church the whole country will burn !! When will Hindus learn????? Support RSS/VHP/BJP
Karnataka: 1) Most of the money received from temples is diverted to Muslims and Christians.
e.g., in 2003, 790 million Rupees were generated from about 200,000 temples. From that, Temples received only 71 million Rupees while madarsas and hajj subsidy received.591.5 million Rupees and Churches received 127.5 million Rupees. 2) Diversion of Temple money to other religious organizations could cause as many as 50,000 of the 260,000 temples in Karnataka to close down within five years. 3) Many ancient temples are in extremely poor condition, and their managements and priests carp about inadequate funds. Even salaries are not disbursed regularly, and priests are forced to survive on donations made by devotees in the Aarti plate. 4) All the hereditary Temples and Mutts have to contribute 5% of their revenues to the Government. 5) In November 2006, the state government announced a grant of 30 million Rupees for the construction of a Hajj House (for Muslims).
Tamil Nadu: Sri Shankaracharya was arrested on false charges, installed the statues of anti Hindu Periyar in front of Sri Rangapatnam Temple against the will of Hindus and High Court, and illegally encroached on the Temple lands. Kerala: 1) Guruvayur Temple money was diverted to other governmental projects denying the improvements for 45 Hindu Temples. 2) Church-backed encroachers occupied %u201Chuge areas of forest land, running into more than a million acres near Sabarimala while the government denied the permission to use few acres to provide amenities to Ayyappa devotees. 3) Diluted the rituals at Sabarimala and levied taxes on the income of the Temples. 4) Grabbed the forest land of Ayyappa Temple. 5) No state government since independence had ever dared to take over one single church or mosque or just one Rupee of their income or an inch of their vast land holdings.
As a result, Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) is formed to protect, preserve, promote, and maintain Hindu culture, Hindu temples, mutts, peethams, endowments, Trusts and other institutions globally. To achieve this objective, GHHF will take the necessary and appropriate actions against all laws, policies, and activities undertaken by any government, which undermine the existence of the Temples. The ultimate goal is to ensure all the Hindu Temples and other Hindu institutions become independent of state government control. GHHF is currently taking steps to challenge the Endowment Act in the High Court and Supreme Court. To this end, GHHF established an organization in the name of Hindu Devalaya Parirakshana Samiti in Hyderabad on December 8, 2006. If you need any further information on this matter or any documentation for the above cited examples, we will be happy to provide. Please contact: V. V. Prakasa Rao, 601-856-4783 H/ 601-918-7111; Prasad Yalamanchi 630-832-2665; Vinay Boppana 248-842-6964; Satyanarayan Dosapati 732-939-2060. E-mail: We request you to sign the Online Petition to stop government interference in Temple matters. Additional Sources: (by 3/1/07) %u2018Harvesting Our Souls%u2019 by Arun Shourie. %u2018Hindus Under Siege: The way out%u2019 by Dr. Subramanian Swamy
by vivek hiremath on May 05, 2007 11:35 AM Permalink
sir , i have great respect about your writtings which are rational, logical ,objective , and supported by solid proofs. i wish your writings get disributed through as many channels as possible to as many hindu's as possible. you must be in touch will like minded parties , organisations , individuals for this cause. i request you to get in touch with following organisations / individuals to share and propogate your views which will be of tremendous help to create solid hindu vote bank which is the only weapon to bring about peaceful revolution in favour of hindu's through elections. as indian polititians rulers only know the language of vote power. ----------------------------------------------- pandit@fact ----------------------------------------------- also i will be grate ful in you let me know your e mail id . mine is ----------------------------------------------- vivek hiremath. ----------------------------------------------- copy of my letter to hindu janjagruti samiti.
sir i think you must get in touch with the author of this letter. he is able to put injustice done with hindu's in more rational manner and with concrete examples. and then try to circulate amongst as many hindu's as possible using all the publishing medias. with request to builtup hindu vote bank inorder to bring in non voilent pieceful revolution in favour of hindu's through elections. but try to remind all upper caste hindu's unless and until they dont treats lower cast as there brothers and try to abolish this castism no hindu vote bank is possible and this revolution will remain in theory only. regards.
RE:Arms race
by kba k on May 05, 2007 12:38 PM Permalink
As you have described, I am not aware of those things happening in AP, karnataka & kerala. Well before starting, I would tell you that I am a devout hindu and I am against those conversions by those missionaries and religious extremism by muslims. But I am sure I cannot agree as you have mentioned, it is a false case against Sankracharya in TN. I straight away tell you he is an a$$h01e and he deserves it. Tell me one thing... if there is no fire how can u see smoke? Even before he was arrested, he was playing a role in politics... you would see his political tainted statements in Tanil magazines before every election. What is the sh1t job a spritual saint has in politics? When every missionary is going on with its coversion activity using the divide in the hindu religion, what the hell did he contribute for bringing up equality in the Hindu society? Hope you had read the Indian history? Heard about Adhi sankaracharia's work to revive and unite hinduism and save it from decline? Afterall he is suppose to belong to that lineage! But he is a murderer and scoundrel!
I remembered my days spent in the town called kanchipuram(where the sankara mutt was located). Entering the mutt... get ready to fce descrimination if you are a non brahman!
So when I started reading your essay, I was influenced but your mention about Kanchi sankaracharya, shattered everything...
RE:Arms race
by Suresh Vijayan on May 06, 2007 12:41 AM Permalink
You are total rubbish, whats wrong (Am Hindu), Rich helps the poor, Majority helps the minority, look at a different angle, we Hindus are kind and open minded to our fellow friends who belong to Muslim and Christianity, you should welcome and not write unwanted stores and write back to yourself another self-recommeded story.
RE:Arms race
by jaya shree on May 06, 2007 01:06 AM Permalink
do u mean the Muslims and Christians showered with European and American money are poor? Do you mean that missionaries living in luxurious bungaloes and cherishing multiple cars are right in seeking Hindu money to convert Hindus to their own! Ridiculous Mr.Suresh.
RE:RE:Arms race
by vivek hiremath on May 05, 2007 11:33 AM Permalink
sir , i have great respect about your writtings which are rational, logical ,objective , and supported by solid proofs. i wish your writings get disributed through as many channels as possible to as many hindu's as possible. you must be in touch will like minded parties , organisations , individuals for this cause. i request you to get in touch with following organisations / individuals to share and propogate your views which will be of tremendous help to create solid hindu vote bank which is the only weapon to bring about peaceful revolution in favour of hindu's through elections. as indian polititians rulers only know the language of vote power. ----------------------------------------------- pandit@fact ----------------------------------------------- also i will be grate ful in you let me know your e mail id . mine is ----------------------------------------------- vivek hiremath. ----------------------------------------------- copy of my letter to hindu janjagruti samiti.
sir i think you must get in touch with the author of this letter. he is able to put injustice done with hindu's in more rational manner and with concrete examples. and then try to circulate amongst as many hindu's as possible using all the publishing medias. with request to builtup hindu vote bank inorder to bring in non voilent pieceful revolution in favour of hindu's through elections. but try to remind all upper caste hindu's unless and until they dont treats lower cast as there brothers and try to abolish this castism no hindu vote bank is possible and this revolution will remain in theory only. regards.