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RE:Arms race
by kba k on May 05, 2007 12:38 PM

As you have described, I am not aware of those things happening in AP, karnataka & kerala. Well before starting, I would tell you that I am a devout hindu and I am against those conversions by those missionaries and religious extremism by muslims.
But I am sure I cannot agree as you have mentioned, it is a false case against Sankracharya in TN. I straight away tell you he is an a$$h01e and he deserves it. Tell me one thing... if there is no fire how can u see smoke? Even before he was arrested, he was playing a role in politics... you would see his political tainted statements in Tanil magazines before every election. What is the sh1t job a spritual saint has in politics? When every missionary is going on with its coversion activity using the divide in the hindu religion, what the hell did he contribute for bringing up equality in the Hindu society?
Hope you had read the Indian history? Heard about Adhi sankaracharia's work to revive and unite hinduism and save it from decline? Afterall he is suppose to belong to that lineage! But he is a murderer and scoundrel!

I remembered my days spent in the town called kanchipuram(where the sankara mutt was located). Entering the mutt... get ready to fce descrimination if you are a non brahman!

So when I started reading your essay, I was influenced but your mention about Kanchi sankaracharya, shattered everything...

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
'India doesn't want arms race'