sir , i have great respect about your writtings which are rational, logical ,objective , and supported by solid proofs. i wish your writings get disributed through as many channels as possible to as many hindu's as possible. you must be in touch will like minded parties , organisations , individuals for this cause. i request you to get in touch with following organisations / individuals to share and propogate your views which will be of tremendous help to create solid hindu vote bank which is the only weapon to bring about peaceful revolution in favour of hindu's through elections. as indian polititians rulers only know the language of vote power. ----------------------------------------------- pandit@fact ----------------------------------------------- also i will be grate ful in you let me know your e mail id . mine is ----------------------------------------------- vivek hiremath. ----------------------------------------------- copy of my letter to hindu janjagruti samiti.
sir i think you must get in touch with the author of this letter. he is able to put injustice done with hindu's in more rational manner and with concrete examples. and then try to circulate amongst as many hindu's as possible using all the publishing medias. with request to builtup hindu vote bank inorder to bring in non voilent pieceful revolution in favour of hindu's through elections. but try to remind all upper caste hindu's unless and until they dont treats lower cast as there brothers and try to abolish this castism no hindu vote bank is possible and this revolution will remain in theory only. regards.