Let's not forget root causes of India's security problems. We're a multi-colored liberal democracy, vulnerably open to any race, religion, caste or creed. Not a predominantly (honorary-)white christian/monotheist nation like most stinking rich Western or East Asian nations. Therefore the effective trick of divide&conquer continues to set ex-Indian territories against heartland India. This malevolent path was initiated by British, but has been treaded and hardened by many other nations (incl US,EU even China), leaving permanent scars on Indian continent, psychologically and in many malevolent ways. Our neighbours are mere pawns/instruments in hands of bigger players, selfishly seeking India's subservience. Our only hope is to see India as a pawn in the hands of the Gods and their Creator, because aside from defense, miracles are needed to save India. Pray to God, save us from the ruthless onslaughts. Jai Hind.