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Arms race
by Sai Puducode on May 05, 2007 01:54 AM

This news is music to the US businesses like Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup Grumman etc. They are on all sides at the same time. Everyone knows that you cannot fight terrorists hiding in caves with F-18s. But US continue to supply the same to "Papistan". This has created an arms race in Indian sub-continent & now they want to supply the same to Indians too. They are even willing to sell the same to China but the US law prohibits the same.
Till 9/11 happened, US consistently & continuously ignored Indian pleas for help on terrorism from across the border from Pakistan though they knew very well the terrorist camps on Pakistani soil. Why? It was not the American blood that was being spilled. Then more than 3000 lives were blown up on 9/11. India suddenly became an American friend because it suited their long-term interests both regionally & globally. They claim that India is their strategic partner but that did not stop them from spying on Indian soil or arresting Indians in US for exporting some controls of 1960 vintage used in rocket launches. You figure. Bottom line is everything is fair game as long it suits US interests. Will US continue to support the nuclear deal being talked about? Another regime change in Washington & there goes all treaties. Remember India is not Israel & India should follow what is in India's interest.

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'India doesn't want arms race'