Appreciate you for posting many facts of TAMIL ELLAM.
But people of TAMIL ELLAM has failed in bringing these attrocities of Sinhalese to the world. Do you know why?.
Why cant you peoples of TAMIL ELLAM form a forum like Dalai Lama and try to meet all the leaders in the world and expose the attrocities commited by sinhalese to the whole world.
Why cant you peoples of TAMIL ELLAM atleast try that?.
See how Jews got their home land back from the arab occupation. Learn the history from Jews.
RE:To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:35 PM Permalink
To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM
1. Integrate with each and every country where you live as a refugee. 2. Involve in local politics and social issues. 3. Learn each country's politics and fund political parties in each country that supports your cause. 4. Create leaders in each country where you live. 5. Never use LTTE tag outside Tamil ELLAM until you expatriates highlight the issues of genocide occupation of sinhalese to the whole world. (as your enemies are using this tag to hide their crimes). 6. Let LTTE defend the tamil land in TAMIL ELLAM.Their job has to be confined only within that island. But birth of new country called TAMIL ELLAM is entirely dependant on Tamil Ellam refuggees and expatraites living outside Tamil ELLAM. 7. Irrespective of PLOT, TELO, EPDP,LTTE --all tamil refugees and tamil expatriates living around the globe has to join hands together and take the FREEDOM MOVEMENT forward.
8. Final word, do remember LTTE can protect and secure peoples in Tamil ELLAM. They can protect the tamil homeland and fight with sinhalese army and get back the occupied lands from sinhalese army.But nothing more they can do.
Only Tamil ELLAM peoples living around the globe can take the freedom movement forward. Do realise this.
RE:To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM
by Gania Huani on May 09, 2008 03:39 AM Permalink
grt, I believe Sinhalese are peace loving buddhists.
I believe TAMIL ELLAM are terrorists controlled by evil christians, who believe any one who does not belong to their religion, race and/or ethnicity deserves to be tortured, robbed and killed.
Muslims are similar to the evil christians, although christians are more cunning because christians are more secretive.
For proof go to and/or
After several web portals, BBC, CNN, International Tamil TV Channels exposed the Real casuality, NAZI GoSL having no other way has accepted the defeat in Muhamalai.
In April'08 alone 350 sinhala kolis have been killed and 950 injured, tells the latest report from GoSL.
Many Sinahala Kolis are after sucide, killing themseleves and their associates.
No other way, soon NAZI SL will kee-down before everyone.
RE:Now its 200 sinhala forces killed and 300 severely injured in 25 April 08 Muhamalai misadventure
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:36 PM Permalink
Appreciate you for posting many facts of TAMIL ELLAM.
But people of TAMIL ELLAM has failed in bringing these attrocities of Sinhalese to the world. Do you know why?.
Why cant you peoples of TAMIL ELLAM form a forum like Dalai Lama and try to meet all the leaders in the world and expose the attrocities commited by sinhalese to the whole world.
Why cant you peoples of TAMIL ELLAM atleast try that?.
See how Jews got their home land back from the arab occupation. Learn the history from Jews.
RE:Now its 200 sinhala forces killed and 300 severely injured in 25 April 08 Muhamalai misadventure
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:36 PM Permalink
You can bring down Sinhalese army.but can you liberate TAMIL ELLAM.Thats the question.
1. Integrate with each and every country where you live as a refugee. 2. Involve in local politics and social issues. 3. Learn each country's politics and fund political parties in each country that supports your cause. 4. Create leaders in each country where you live. 5. Never use LTTE tag outside Tamil ELLAM until you expatriates highlight the issues of genocide occupation of sinhalese to the whole world. (as your enemies are using this tag to hide their crimes). 6. Let LTTE defend the tamil land in TAMIL ELLAM.Their job has to be confined only within that island. But birth of new country called TAMIL ELLAM is entirely dependant on Tamil Ellam refuggees and expatraites living outside Tamil ELLAM. 7. Irrespective of PLOT, TELO, EPDP,LTTE --all tamil refugees and tamil expatriates living around the globe has to join hands together and take the FREEDOM MOVEMENT forward.
8. Final word, do remember LTTE can protect and secure peoples in Tamil ELLAM. They can protect the tamil homeland and fight with sinhalese army and get back the occupied lands from sinhalese army.But nothing more they can do.
Only Tamil ELLAM peoples living around the globe can take the freedom movement forward. Do realise this.
Why should we indians think -ve about our ancient land of tamils of Tamil Ellam?. Lets us be proactive like chinese.
See, cholas were the ancient kings of current tamilnadu & Tamilellam(Srilanka). TamilEllam(Srilanka) was inhabited by tamils ruled by cholas. Later sinhalese occupied it and wiped out tamils, tamil culture and hindu culture.
When TANJORE the capital of Cholas is with tamilnadu(india),why Anuradhapuram the second native capital of cholas should be with Srilanka?
Let us merge our ancient lands of tamils of TAMIL ELLAM with India.Let it be part of india like Tamilnadu & Pondichery.
After merging it with india, LTTE can be a good united army of india to protect our ancient lands of india in south.LTTE's commitment and sacrifice can be used to strengthen our army to handle chinese and pakistanis and sinhalese.
Let us be ve and help our fellow brothers and sisters of TAMIL ELLAM to liberate themselves from sinhalese occupation & genocide.
The state of Tamils in Sri Lanka is an unmitigated tragedy. The war will never end and Sri Lanka will at best be another Lebanon. The LTTE has a reputation for having killed more fellow Tamil soldiers than Sri Lankan soldiers. The day Sri Sabarathinam was chased across Sri Lanka and shot down and his TELO fighters were burnt alive, LTTE has lost the sympathy of many indepedent observers. Subsequent slaughter of EPRLF and other cadres in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu by LTTE have further proven the fascist character.LTTE has systematically liquidated all critics and unfriendly journalists. On the other hand, the manner in which the Sri Lankan soldiers killed the Tamils and the leaders Kuttimani and others in Sri Lankan jails (their eyes were first gouged and then they were teased with with burning logs till death) in 1984 was heinous and the general hatred they habour till date for innocent non-combatant Tamil population is strong.On the whole it is a tragedy of Greek proportions. In the whole affair, nobody has talked of a grave issue facing us today: this once vibrant, intelligent, gifted Tamil race may soon dwindle into non-existence because all men of reproductive age are either killed and what's left of them are in combat and an insignificant percentage abroad. The Tamils of Tamil Nadu (Karunanidhi et al) are not to be confused with Sri Lankan Jaffna Tamils who are of original Hindu stock and are way ahead in intelligence and global outlook.Conversion of Prabhakaran to Chri
RE:The Sri Lankan Tamil tragedy
by Krish Karthik on May 07, 2008 08:29 PM Permalink
The most disheartening fact is there's no solution in sight. In the present circumstances, there can be no solution. If LTTE is on backfoot, they'll call for truce, peace talks, reassemble and attack again. Sri Lankan army wd continue its intense efforts to win over the territory under the LTTE control and this will be see-saw battle with neither side being able to achieve a convincing victory. Past behaviour reinforces the impression that LTTE is not interested in peace, it wants to be the unrivalled, the only ruler in Jaffna. In today's world forming a separate country is completely ruled out - the entire world is united against secession. This will be an interminable battle, an unbridled blood-letting. After Rajiv's assassination, the bridges would India had been burnt for LTTE and it has been branded as a terrorist group in the West. As of now, I see no solution in sight.The stark truth is the suffering of the people.
RE:The Sri Lankan Tamil tragedy
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:09 PM Permalink
Krish Karthik and others,
Why should we indians think -ve about our ancient land of tamils?. Lets us be proactive like chinese.
See, cholas were the ancient kings of current tamilnadu & Tamilellam(Srilanka). TamilEllam(Srilanka) was inhabited by tamils ruled by cholas. Later sinhalese occupied it and wiped out tamils, tamil culture and hindu culture.
When TANJORE the capital of Cholas is with tamilnadu(india),why Anuradhapuram the second native capital of cholas should be with Srilanka?
Let us merge our ancient lands of tamils of TAMIL ELLAM with India.Let it be part of india like Tamilnadu & Pondichery.
After merging it with india, LTTE can be a good united army of india to protect our ancient lands of india in south.
Let us be ve and help our fellow brothers and sisters of TAMIL ELLAM to liberate themselves from sinhalese occupation & genocide.
RE:RE:The Sri Lankan Tamil tragedy
by Romesh Agarwal on May 08, 2008 09:10 AM Permalink
From where did sinhala come to occupy the land of tamilians in ancient Sri lanka? Do sinhala have another country from where they invaded sri lanka and occupied the land after defeating the tamilians in a war?
Lanka's record undermines claim for a place in UN rights body
New York (PTI): Alleging that Sri Lanka's human rights record has worsened and the country has failed promises to improve, a coalition of over 20 NGOs on wednesday said these factors undermine its claim for a place on the UN Human Rights Council.
The United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to hold elections on May 21 to replace the retiring members of the 47-member Council, the United Nations' leading human rights body.
In a letter to UN members, the NGO Coalition for an Effective Human Rights Council alleged that Sri Lankan forces have in the past two years been implicated in a wide range of serious abuses, including hundreds of extrajudicial killings, disappearances, torture and arbitrary detention.
Sri Lanka obstructs the work of the council's own appointed human rights experts, ignores their recommendations, publicly attacks senior UN officials who speak out on human rights issues, and has been unwilling to engage in serious discussions regarding UN human rights monitoring, it alleged.
RE:Lanka's record undermines claim for a place in UN rights body
by grt on May 07, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
The coalition admitted that the armed separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have long been implicated in serious human rights abuses, but says this provides no justification for government abuses.
Sri Lanka pledged when it joined the Human Rights Council in 2006 to implement recommendations from UN bodies but has notably failed to do so, the letter alleged.
Six candidates Bahrain, Japan, Pakistan, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Timor Leste are running for four seats allocated to Asian states.
"Many countries have human rights problems, but Sri Lanka truly stands out amongst this year's candidates," said Michael Anthony, programme coordinator of the Asian Human Rights Commission.
Sinhalese terrorists Rajapakshe and Srilankan army should be hanged for their crimes, attrocities and genocide against native tamil community of Tamil Ellam.
Lanka's record undermines claim for a place in UN rights body
New York (PTI): Alleging that Sri Lanka's human rights record has worsened and the country has failed promises to improve, a coalition of over 20 NGOs on wednesday said these factors undermine its claim for a place on the UN Human Rights Council.
LTTE are the paid agents of church, just to destroy hinduism amongst srilankan tamils and force christian culture. Their links with the church and particularly with Italian Mafia gandhi should be probed.
by grt on May 07, 2008 03:51 PM Permalink
Good fun Mr.Rash.
Buddhists sinhalese of Srilanka has destroyed 3000 years old temples in Tamil ELLAM and they have built Buddhists monastery.
Sinhalese has systematically wiped tamil hindus. Today Among tamils Christians are very minority and hindus forms the majority and Tamil Muslims are in very good numbers when compared christians.
The oldest temples and the oldest hindu culture still exists in Tamil ellam because it is protected by LTTE and his highness V.Prabakaran.
Better you visit tamil ellam than commenting. You will understand how buddhists in other parts of the world behaves and how buddhists in srilanka have become terrorists and commiting genocide against tamil community and hindu culture.
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:44 PM Permalink
Yes grt are you aware of the ancient HIndu shirne of Kathirgammam. This is where Lord Murugan( or Karthik/Hirthik to North Indians) met and wooed the Veddah girl Valli and married her. Thi sis the reason many Tamil males are called Kathirgamer ( which means Murugan/Karthik or Hirthik). This was a pure Tamil area adjoining the Tamil Eastern province. Traditionally this was a Tamil area and puja in this Temple ws conducted by the Tamil Brahmin priests. Now the entire Tamil population has been chesed off and thisplace is now renamed Kataragamma in Sinhala. Hug Buddhist Viharas and temple complexes have been built in this area and this ancient prehistoric Murugan temple is dwarfed. Now only the Sinhala Buddhist kapuraalas are allowed to perform pujas in this ancient HIndu place of worship. The Sinhala Buddhist are claiming many ancient Hindu places of worship as theirs. They are suported by thoer politicians. This is to destroy the ancient Tamil Hindu history in the NOrth and East. Especiaaly in the East as it has falled to them. The Sinhalas are now treating the Tamil East as conquered land to be colinise by the Sinhalses and the Tamil Hindus to be made a permanent minorty. The Tami lMuslims are supporting this SInhala move. Their latest claim is the ancient Siva Temple of Thirukonneswaram in Trincomalee. This temple is of Ramayana fame. The Duth and Protuguese detroyed it and it was rebuilt by the Tamils.
by grt on May 07, 2008 05:14 PM Permalink
In india muslims destroyed Hinduism.
In TamilEllam, buddhists are destroying hinduism. But Tamils are bravely confronting it without the support from India.
I would say , BJP(indian political party) instead of re-building ram temple they can try to protect hinduism in Tamil Ellam which is under occupation with Buddhism.
if you see Ellam Tamils are the one who took hinduism to all corners of the world.
wherever u go in the world, For practicing hinudism , indians has to visit temples built by Ellam tamils.
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:29 PM Permalink
Whaat do you say to the Sri Lankangovt/Sinhala destruction of Hindu temples in teh north and east, grabbing ancient Tamil Hindu lands and making them Sinhala Buddhist lands. COnverting ancient Siva temples to Buddhist Temples / That is fine by you. Oh I forgot the they have recently received a nice oft loan of $200 million from HIndu India to convert the Hindu Srilanka which is aorund 1/3 of Sri Lankan land to SInhala Buddhist land.once this ancient Tamil HIndu land has been converted to 100% Sinhala Buddhhist land the Sinhalese will thank teh Indian government by joining thoer long term friends China and Pakistan for anti Indian activities.
TN and kerala government have to show the way for a political settlement in neighbouring Sri Lanka. They cannot expect Delhi to do everything for them. There are various ways to solve this problem - 1. devolution package to Tamils in Sri Lanka. 2. a new Indian state formed from the tamil part of sri lanka 3. Armed the Tamils in Sri Lanka and let them defend themselves properly.
I have learned recently that the 20,000-40,000 foot soldiers of the LTTE are volunteers. i.e. they are not paid. Thie means that they are fighting for a cause they believe in. I rember reading the war of independence of America - where a rag tag army of volunteer beat the best professional army at that time- the reason being that the rag tag army of volunteer believed in their cause and were willing to inovate in the battle field and more willing to make the untimate sacrifice than the paid british soldiers.
Back to the Tamils foot soldiers in Sri Lanka- I do not believe its fair to called these volunteers terrorist.
It's up to Tamil Nadu and aslo kerala politicians to solve this mess - because of etnicity. If Tamil Nadu/Chennai wants to become the capital of the South, then they cannot expect Delhi politicians to solve a problem specific to the south - the solution has to come from the politicians in the south. And Delhi will listen.
RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 02:48 PM Permalink
People r not joining LTTE voluntarily. They use the innocent gullible public as a shield for their nasty terrorist activities. They are also forcibly recruiting children forcing them with cyanide capsules. This has been confirmed by International human rights watch and Redcross themselves. Sheer cowardice!!
RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:50 PM Permalink
How do you force 20,000 to 40,000 foot soldiers to join a rag tag army? And how do you tell them - by the way you will not get paid either?
RE:RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 02:54 PM Permalink
Its not difficult for a rowdy mob to kidnap children at gunpoint particularly in LTTE controlled areas and then use them as shield. That coward scoundrel prabhakaran is sitting somewhere enjoying with his wife, whereas the gullible LTTE fools fight for a lost cause losing their families and happiness.
RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:59 PM Permalink
Do you think if you have 20,000 to 40,000 prisoners and then you armed them - then they will rapidly turn on you. Why do these guys never ever run from a battle field either? Don't you think there must be another reason for such a behaviour? I donot believe this is cowardism but more to do with a warrior mentality.
RE:RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 03:04 PM Permalink
If they run from the battlefield, LTTE goons will kill them. If prabhakaran has any manliness left in him, he should also join the fight, which he wont do. LTTE has killed more tamils than srilanka army. It has been mentioned by International Committee of Red cross (ICRC) and Human Rights watch operating out of USA & Europe.
RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:23 PM Permalink
Mr Rash group think. Even after around 17000 LTTE cadres have been killed and ager vast untold harship dispplacement ethnic cleansing and mass migration the native Eelam people overwhelmingly support the LTTE. They may not agree with al what it does but they still support the organisation. Which shows that they trus that LTTE despits allits shortcomings is the only organisation protecting them/ As they have noticed al other organisations have ended up as quislings. The latest is the Karuna/Pillaiyan group, their action is going to cost the eastern Tamils thoer land and identity.
RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 02:17 PM Permalink
Are you aware India opposed the move by European countries to bring a resolution in the United Nations against gross violaton of Human Rights by the Sri Lankan government. The arguments placed by India for granting the sofr loan of $200 million to Sri Lanka to fight the LTTE and against the UN resolution is to strenthen bilateral relations with Sri Lanka and to neutralise the role played by Pakistan and China. This rings hollow and is unjustifiable and unreasonable read Vaikos's letter to the Indian Prime Minister.
RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:31 PM Permalink
No - its been kept very quiet. Why has the Indian public not been informed about such a news? A $200 million pound will not go very far in a conflict - the SL army has about 100,000 -150,000 soldiers active- that need to be paid. They are fighting a war in the North - so they have to transport everything, food, ammunition, fuel etc). Divide $200,000,000 by 365 days. Thats not a lot of money - its not even enough to pay for the soldiers pay- they are a professional army- these guys need to get paid. India does not do anything without careful thinking from now- specially with Sri lanka. (that's what I believe anyway). The loan is just peanuts - It's the "India opposed the move by European countries to bring a resolution in the United Nations against gross violaton of Human Rights by the Sri Lankan government" - that I found shocking. where were the politicians in the Tamil Nadu or kerala doing?
RE:RE:A suggestion to the Southern boys
by snpost on May 07, 2008 02:52 PM Permalink
Thinking about this furter? Why has this $200 million not been used to set up IT park in Bihar to bring investmentin Bihar instead of buying bullets for a foreign army? Bloody congress.
LTTE is slowly & surely depleting and they act desperate in appealing to international community about the so called genocide of tamils. Like Khalistan, LTTE will also be history. Already srilankan army has bombed LTTE areas and that barbarian prabhakaran is heard to be licking his wounds.
RE:LTTE Menace
by Edwin Navaratnam on May 07, 2008 12:40 PM Permalink
Yes that is why around 2000 Sinhala army were killed and another 200 were killed very recently and a further 400 were injured so who is getting depleted. The Sri Lankan govt has ordered ambulances which carry injured Sinhalal soldiers not not to use the siren as the population will become aware of the number of injured/dead soldoers in a battlefront
RE:LTTE Menace
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 02:30 PM Permalink
The Sri Lankan Prime Minister has admitted tht 950 Sri Lankan soldiers have been injured during then month of April 2008. SO the real figure must be more. Rash Group go and read wht genocide means that means killing people displacing them and ethnically cleansing them and colonising their lands so that they become a permanent minority. denying them the use of thoer languag practisin their religion jonbs education etc. All these things have veen happening to the Tamils in Sri Lankan since independence. The LTTE is only phemomenon that came in teh last 25 years prior to that the Tamils non violent methods but were only answered with dersion scorn and planned violence. The Sri Lankan government and teh Sinhalese do not want to solve any problem their dream is only of a pure Sinhala Buddhist state even the Sinhala Christians are in taking part in this anti Tamil programmes. It is easy solve this problem grant he just Tamil rights and support for LTTE will just fade. However they will not do this they are using the LTTE as an excuse to kill Tamil by air, sea and land. their anti Tamil fervour even covers the poor Indian Tamil fishermen, displace them colonise their lands. Around 1 million ethnic Eelam Tamil have left their land and a livin gin mstly the Canada UK and other western countries. This has happened in the last 20 years from a small community of around 3.5 million. You find Sinhala refugees or displaced people. Just read,think dont let your anti Tamil feeling sway you.
RE:LTTE Menace
by Romesh Agarwal on May 07, 2008 03:12 PM Permalink
Yes. I like the sentence 'grant the just tamil rights and support for LTTE will just fade'.I like to believe this.If mahinda rajapaksa sincerely wants to solve the problem, he has to follow the above sentence and it will be a win-win situation.Tamilians will get their wishes and Sinhalas will have LTTE eliminated.Real good suggestion but will our TN politicians who gain popularity by supporting LTTE agree??
RE:LTTE Menace
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:05 PM Permalink
No Romesh the ball is in thw Sinhalese and teh Sri Lankan government. The hood the key no the Indian govet nor the Tamil Nadu politicians. They may use teh Eelam Tamil problem ofr thoer own agenda but to grant and to make it work is in the Sinhalese. However the Sri Lankan government only feed them with anti Tamil hatred from primary school eg The Tamil is fishing The Tamil man is climbing a tree to pluck coconuts, As if Sinhalese are not fishing and climbing coconut trees. They then glorify ancient wars between Sinhalese and Tamils wich have happened 2300 years ago. SInhla victories are praised and Tamil victories are decried. If you read a Sinhala newspaper or listen to thoer radio and or Tv it is full of anti Tamil vitriolic and propaganda by thoer Buddhist proests and politicians etc.Their Buddhist priests lead mobs to burn and destroy Tamil homes. They are not informed as to how much Tamils have contributed to Buddhism infact many SInhala Dramas are based on the Buddhist epic Kundalakesi. Many dont realise it is aTamil Buddhist epic. They are then fed this myth that they are full blooded Aryans descended from North Indian immigratns. They are not told the truth that other than the original Aryan migratns who took Pandyan women as their wives and also heavily intermarried in to the local people all other migrations have been from South India and they are alomst 80% of Tamil blood. Round 50% of them are descended form very recent Tamil migration. Around 600 to 100 years.