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The Sri Lankan Tamil tragedy
by Krish Karthik on May 07, 2008 05:19 PM

The state of Tamils in Sri Lanka is an unmitigated tragedy. The war will never end and Sri Lanka will at best be another Lebanon. The LTTE has a reputation for having killed more fellow Tamil soldiers than Sri Lankan soldiers. The day Sri Sabarathinam was chased across Sri Lanka and shot down and his TELO fighters were burnt alive, LTTE has lost the sympathy of many indepedent observers. Subsequent slaughter of EPRLF and other cadres in Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu by LTTE have further proven the fascist character.LTTE has systematically liquidated all critics and unfriendly journalists. On the other hand, the manner in which the Sri Lankan soldiers killed the Tamils and the leaders Kuttimani and others in Sri Lankan jails (their eyes were first gouged and then they were teased with with burning logs till death) in 1984 was heinous and the general hatred they habour till date for innocent non-combatant Tamil population is strong.On the whole it is a tragedy of Greek proportions. In the whole affair, nobody has talked of a grave issue facing us today: this once vibrant, intelligent, gifted Tamil race may soon dwindle into non-existence because all men of reproductive age are either killed and what's left of them are in combat and an insignificant percentage abroad. The Tamils of Tamil Nadu (Karunanidhi et al) are not to be confused with Sri Lankan Jaffna Tamils who are of original Hindu stock and are way ahead in intelligence and global outlook.Conversion of Prabhakaran to Chri

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