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RE:The Sri Lankan Tamil tragedy
by Krish Karthik on May 07, 2008 08:29 PM

The most disheartening fact is there's no solution in sight. In the present circumstances, there can be no solution. If LTTE is on backfoot, they'll call for truce, peace talks, reassemble and attack again. Sri Lankan army wd continue its intense efforts to win over the territory under the LTTE control and this will be see-saw battle with neither side being able to achieve a convincing victory. Past behaviour reinforces the impression that LTTE is not interested in peace, it wants to be the unrivalled, the only ruler in Jaffna. In today's world forming a separate country is completely ruled out - the entire world is united against secession. This will be an interminable battle, an unbridled blood-letting. After Rajiv's assassination, the bridges would India had been burnt for LTTE and it has been branded as a terrorist group in the West. As of now, I see no solution in sight.The stark truth is the suffering of the people.

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