No - its been kept very quiet. Why has the Indian public not been informed about such a news? A $200 million pound will not go very far in a conflict - the SL army has about 100,000 -150,000 soldiers active- that need to be paid. They are fighting a war in the North - so they have to transport everything, food, ammunition, fuel etc). Divide $200,000,000 by 365 days. Thats not a lot of money - its not even enough to pay for the soldiers pay- they are a professional army- these guys need to get paid. India does not do anything without careful thinking from now- specially with Sri lanka. (that's what I believe anyway). The loan is just peanuts - It's the "India opposed the move by European countries to bring a resolution in the United Nations against gross violaton of Human Rights by the Sri Lankan government" - that I found shocking. where were the politicians in the Tamil Nadu or kerala doing?