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RE:The Sri Lankan Tamil tragedy
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:09 PM

Krish Karthik and others,

Why should we indians think -ve about our ancient land of tamils?. Lets us be proactive like chinese.

See, cholas were the ancient kings of current tamilnadu & Tamilellam(Srilanka). TamilEllam(Srilanka) was inhabited by tamils ruled by cholas. Later sinhalese occupied it and wiped out tamils, tamil culture and hindu culture.

When TANJORE the capital of Cholas is with tamilnadu(india),why Anuradhapuram the second native capital of cholas should be with Srilanka?

Let us merge our ancient lands of tamils of TAMIL ELLAM with India.Let it be part of india like Tamilnadu & Pondichery.

After merging it with india, LTTE can be a good united army of india to protect our ancient lands of india in south.

Let us be ve and help our fellow brothers and sisters of TAMIL ELLAM to liberate themselves from sinhalese occupation & genocide.

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