Here is a simple explanation and the core of all religions and some religions only told only partial info since there is no point in telling at those times,to general populations,when they are not ready enough to understand the higher aspects of the world.While mere words cannot explain GOD but only self experiences,here is a small try to explain the phenomenon of the world.
Every individual,in the process of regaining the lost universal counciousness state or the STATE OF GOD or ALL PERVADING DIVINITY,will go through the following stages. The reason why its a regaining of divine state,is because this is what the ORIGINAL state is for every individual,the state of infinite hapiness and bliss and that of universal counciousness,of omnipotence and omnipresence. For some reasons, individual SOULS or specks of counciousnesses self-impose the individuality and limitedness under the influence of EGO (or the "I" feeling):
STAGES: Body Counciousness-to-MindCounciousness-to-WillPowerCounciousness-to-SoulCounciousness(or realization of self as nothing but a speck of counciousness)-to-Seeing/Identifying Existing Of UniversalCounciousness OR UniversalPower-to-RealizingSelfAsPartOfUniversalCounciousness-to-Final Realization of self as all pervading UNIVERSAL COUNCIOUSNESS with onmipresence,omnipotence & existing with in the creation & beyond creation.
RE:What is GOD? This is essence and Core of both Bible and Vedas,Geetha,Upanishads
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 09:23 PM Permalink
4.Soul counciousness or realization that self is an ever existing entity. Perceiving the world & acting in the world with this counciousness is higher state than that of previous 3 states.It is in this state,that the person sees self as an ever existing entity & not subjected to the cycle of life and death & is not vulnerable to the material & mind level limiting aspects of the creation like indestructibility by materials etc.This state is more powerful than any individual qualities an individual may have possessed. When a person regains access to this state, even for a split second will be able to start perceiving the next states, that are above the individuality & leading to universalness. There is a saying that an individual who attains and retains this state or any below states at ease, can be trusted , even it means blindly, and no one else.
5.When an individual realizes self as a speck of counciousness or Soul after coming out of the outer sheaths(steps 1,2&3) of illusion, then the individual starts perceving that self is not alone in this creation,but starts identifying the existing of an unknown power,A POWER THAT IS MUCH BEYOND THE GRASPING power of the self.This is the initial stage of knowing the universalness. CONTINUED BELOW
RE:What is GOD? This is essence and Core of both Bible and Vedas,Geetha,Upanishads
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 09:23 PM Permalink
This means,a persons counciousness or the sphere of awareness or influence (perception or action) is beyond the individual body or mind or will power.This is the starting point towards realizing or regaining the universal counciousness.
6.In the intermediate stages of realization of the universalness, the individual perceives that he/she is actually part and parcel of the universalness.
7.In the final stage of enlightment, the person has no individuality at all, and is fully in tune with the universal counciousness irrespective of time and is Omnipotent and omnipresent. This is the state of GOD or referred to as GOD in various scriptures by the saints of all religions across the world who had realized what is GOD.
Most probably, there is a possibility of a person getting access to the highers states of realization, for a brief periods of time, including getting access to the highest universal counciousness either intentionally or unintentionally, but those who can go into and retain the higher states at their will are the really enlightened ones.
RE:What is GOD? This is essence and Core of both Bible and Vedas,Geetha,Upanishads
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 09:24 PM Permalink
A simple example of the above phenomenon is the example of a person watching a movie. When the persons counciousness is fully involved in the movie via the bodily senses and the sense of Mind, the person is tuned to the moods of the movie. When a sad scene comes, the person becomes sad, and when a happier moment comes, the person becomes happy and so on. As long as the person forgets that self is different from the movie and lets the movie(which is nothing but a combination of lighter and darker shades of light) illude, due to self imposed restrition to the movie, the person is tuned by the movie.
But the moment the person realizes or re-remembers or regains counciousness that this is just a movie, then, the person selectively enjoys the movie scenes and is not forced to be affected by the unwanted scenes. Similar is the world. The more a person lets self fall to the pull of the senses, the more the person is binded to the nature and environment, but the more the person realizes that self is above own body or mind or even will power, to that extent the person gets freed from the nature and its environment. If the person realizes even more further above the soul level, then to that extent the person gets free from the external aspects of the creation, and rises above the illusion of the creation, which again is nothing but the ALL PERVADING GOD's power that ultimately is responsible for the drama of the creation.
RE:What is GOD? This is essence and Core of both Bible and Vedas,Geetha,Upanishads
by sridhar gorantla on Aug 05, 2008 09:20 PM Permalink
1.Body counciousness or the realization that self is the body (or mere senses). Perceiving the world and acting in the world with this counciousness is the lowest that any one can fall to.
2.Mind counciousness or the realization that self is the mind (or realization of self as the mere mind, still yet one more sense, but is more powerful than mere body senses)at of being more powerful than the bodily senses). Perceiving the world and carrying out actions in the world with this level of realization is a bit better than the previous body level, since Mind is superior than the body or bodily senses. Here is an experiment done recently to prove the control of mind over body: brownDOTeduSLASHAdministrationSLASHNews_BureauSLASH2001-02SLASH01-098DOThtml I could only give modern scientific proof of the phenomenon up to this level, since modern science is still evolving and as of now, it is limited to material level and to some extent mind leveland not beyond that.
3.Will Power Counciousness or the realization that self is the will power.Perceiving the world and acting in the world with this counciousness is higher state than that of previous 2 states. This is because, in truth, Will power is more powerful than the body or mind.
Dear Friend, someone is doing good in Kerala..........its a positive development.......... so where is conflict ????????? why bashing ??????? I think Christianity is much more closer to Hinduism..........Jesus was manifestation of Love, lets appreciate this he forgave all who were involved in cruisifying him.... Hwat more you guys want ????? all religion comes in a context........ Just appreciate good of everything ......thats spirit of Hinduism.....
RE:Lets accpet all
by H N on Aug 05, 2008 11:49 PM Permalink
" christianity is much more closer to Hinduism " please. Do you have any Idea of hinduism or christianity for that matter. Christianity belongs to the class of Authoritiarian religions. Where are indian religions "not hindu-Ism" try to accomodate everyone including christians. If hinduism looks like christianity it is because of that fact.
Co-opting others is an age old tradition. Christists did it with Jews, calling their scriptures the "old testament." When that did not work, they tried the stick, going after Jews because Judas was one (not realizing that Jesus was also a Jew). Poobah did it by co-opting Moses, Jesus, and Abraham into the Kuran. Now these guys are co-opting Hindu scriptures. There is very little "new" in the New Testament or the Kuran.
The Bible says that God is spirit (John 4:24), and is not flesh and blood (Matt. 16:17).
However, His characteristics are those of a living, personal, individual Being. These include the following:
* He lives (John 5:26). * He loves (John 3:16; Rom. 5:6-11). * He speaks (Matt. 3:17) * He works (John 5:17,20) * He knows (Matt. 6:8,32) * He wills (Matt. 7:21) * He sees (Matt. 6:4,6,18)
God is not just an impersonal force, nor does He need a physical body in order to possess personal characteristics. God is spirit, not material or physical, and yet He possesses the characteristics of a personal individual.
RE:By chaddi wala
by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 09:06 PM Permalink
Undistorted Hinduism is real secularism. The whole civilized world is Hindu. Secularism & Democracy are the foundations of Hinduism. Religion is One and is about Human Skills & Values thus developing our Body and Mind, Emotions and Intellect, Creativity and Consciousness. Caste is One & is a life concept distorted by confused people. It means that to live life intelligently we need to effectively balance the 4-forces within - Thinker, Protector, Economist, Worker - and also while governing society. This is all based on natural human intelligence. The roots of the ancient Indian philosophy are secular, logical and universal. The idols are objectives in life: Shiva (freedom), Durga (Strength), Saraswati Knowledge), Lakshmi (Wealth), Ganesh (Wisdom). Life is God. These Goddesses symbolize the goals of human life. All secular societies practice this. This is same as the US Constitution, the teachings of Confucius, Buddha, those of European renaissance thinkers like Voltaire, Shaw. Every developed country in the world is "truly secular" and has one law, uniform code & gender equality, keeping focus on performance & productivity & excel in life, work & sports.
RE:By chaddi wala
by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 09:02 PM Permalink
People who are a little wise read science fiction, one's who are not so wise read spiritual fiction. Did God communicate through some antennas to Jesus? Why is it that renaissance changed Europe and the Western world when they rebelled against the Church, and became secular with one-law, uniform civil code and gender equality. Does it matter whether God is 1, 0, -1 or 1000? This is all childish and immature talk. All that matters in life is excellence is work, knowledge, clarity, performance and productivity. That is what has made the Western world what it is today. And that to the Greek civilization which was based more on philosophy and scientific pursuits. God is nowhere, Life is now and here. Life is God.
RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:02 PM Permalink
reply: Hence proved that Bible is a plagiarism of Sanatana dharma. Sanatana dharma has similar preachings. Read Bhagvad Gita. You will get your answers. Supremacy of Supreme Lord is described very beautifully there.
Sanatana dharma is eternal.. and other sectarian religions like Christianity and Islam, who have got a beginning have done nothing bt stolen some prime concepts of Hinduism, and presented them in a concocted way. Subsequently, in an unsuccessful attempt to defame the concepts of sanatana dharma, they could not understand with their puny minds, they derided idol worship. Actually anyone who sees a deity as a mere stone goes to hell. and anyone who considers God formless is offending God by calling Him handicapped !
RE:RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:05 PM Permalink
Sanatana dharma clearly defines the difference between soul and supersoul and the difference between body and soul (Bhagvad Gita -chapter 2 Sankhya Yoga) In other religions, people have not been even able to understand this primary difference clearly, which is A,B,C of spiritual science. And they talk about spirituality... funny isn't it...
RE:RE:RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:07 PM Permalink
Mr chaddiwala, whatever quotes you have given in this msg, is this all about Bible? Well, this is not even 50% of chapter 2 of Bhagvad Gita. and Bhagvad Gita is A,B,C of Spiritual science- it is priliminary knowledge. and then what to speak of Ph.D
I think Islam and Christianity have failed to summarize even 1% of the knowledge of the vast Sanatana dharma.
I have a documentary film by BBC which say's that Jesus was enlightened in Himalayas by Hindu Pandits, Swamis and Gurus. After gaining knowledge from Himalaya he returned to Jerusalem to preach people what ever he gained. What ever knowledge is gained was not full. Half knowledge is always dangerous. Jesus was not dead on the cross he was alive. People decided that if he stay's in Jerusalem he will be killed so they found that Himalaya was safest place for him, if he stay’s in any European countries he will be killed so Himalayas was selected. You can find this documentary film by BBC in youtube. What about the wife of Jesus? Why Bible hide’s his wife and life with wife? Christianity is fake they hide all the facts and talk about what they want. But it is not with Hinduism.
RE:It's all fake
by randhir reynolds on Aug 05, 2008 08:54 PM Permalink
many tried to prove Jesus wrong and failed. However just to put you in the correct sense of things. Nobody forces anyone to convert. Conversion comes from ones heart. Also the truth is God created the world and man. Man sinned and fell short of the Glory of God and so man was seperated from God because of Sin. God hates sin but he still loves man. The penalty of Sin is death. but becasue God loved man He sent His son Jesus into the world to take the sin of man(you, me and everyone) and die in our place. So now anyone who puts their trust in Him will be saved. This is the truth and no one forces anyone to follow it. Its just that knowing the truth and keeping it to one self does not make sense so that is why a Christian shares the truth with others so that they too can be saved. It is left to the individual to accept or not. If he does he will get to heaven else he is doomed for hell. There is no other way to be saved but put your faith in the one who died to save you. So it is Love all the way. from God for sending his son Jesus and from Jesus to die for us (because He loved us) and from his followers (because they love people and dont want them to perish) Now its up to you to follow or not.
RE:It's all fake
by ravula reddy on Aug 05, 2008 10:39 PM Permalink
If there are no proofs for Jesus life in Himalayas how come you believe in Bible? Well documented proofs are show by referring Bible that Jesus came to Himalayas. This shows Christianity double standard, accepts one point and ignore the other. All fake concepts...
RE:It's all fake
by west on Aug 05, 2008 08:59 PM Permalink
when the money power goes from vatican - it'll be automatically proved - what all vatican has been telling is all lies
RE:It's all fake
by Cricket s on Aug 05, 2008 09:47 PM Permalink
Good Marketing talk!!!! This is waht all missionaries are trained to talk to!!!! Keep it up. You cannot fool people for too long!!!
RE:It's all fake
by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 09:01 PM Permalink
People who are a little wise read science fiction, one's who are not so wise read spiritual fiction. Did God communicate through some antennas to Jesus? Why is it that renaissance changed Europe and the Western world when they rebelled against the Church, and became secular with one-law, uniform civil code and gender equality. Does it matter whether God is 1, 0, -1 or 1000? This is all childish and immature talk. All that matters in life is excellence is work, knowledge, clarity, performance and productivity. That is what has made the Western world what it is today. And that to the Greek civilizatin which was based more on philosophy and scientific pursuits.
RE:It's all fake
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 08:47 PM Permalink
Mr.ravula reddy, there is no proof for that also. Pl search for The Skeptics Annotated Bible for category-wise verses like Absurdities, contradictions, hatred, good stuff, etc from The Bible (both Old Testament and New Testament), The Quran and The Book of Mormon. Also read The Necessity of Atheism by Dr. D.M. Brooks freely available at Project Gutenberg to know more about the atrocities committed in the name of these two religions the world over. Christianity has an ugly face which even the present day beleivers are unaware of. Just one sentence in the Bible (thou shall not suffer a witch) resulted in burning of hundreds of thousands of women across Europe.
Though I do not beleive in any god, I would like to make clear the concept of god in hinduism (rather Indian way of thinking - there was no religion called hinduism - it was called vedic civilization):
The Ancient Sages of our Country beleived that the Universe originated from a Single Primal Principle called "SAT" and in whatever way we worship, the same ultimately reaches the said Primal Principle (SAT). Worshipping Jesus or Allah or the Fire at Parsi Temples was also another form of worship for the Indians. That was the main reason for the religious tolerance in our Country. We have accepted all faiths in our country without reservation. It is beleived that St. Thomas came to Kerala in AD 52 (now disputed by Vatican) and Malik Deenar came to the shores of Kerala for propagation of Islam within a few years after the death of Prophet Muhammed.
The Hindus (or the followers of native culture) are now irritated only due to the relentless onslaught of the followers of Semitic religions. It would be better if they also respect the feeling of the majority of our citizens.
by west on Aug 05, 2008 08:19 PM Permalink
once foreign money stops coming to india, all christians will again be back to hinduism. so don't burn the bridges with hinduism at any cost.
by Mind Clear on Aug 05, 2008 08:15 PM Permalink
Neither archaic religion, nor pseudo modernity can save humanity. People who will continue to succeed are the one's who will keep on pushing their body and mind, to excel in skills, knowledge, performance and productivity and seek the same in others. Organized religion is organized madness. That's why all developed countries are secular and have one-law, uniform civil code, gender equality and keep their focus on passion, performance and productivity using people, resources, priorities. Conversion is confusion; just waste of time and energy.
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 08:23 PM Permalink
I can only sympathize with people who desert their own culture for alien culture. The converts are neither fish nor fowl. We can obsrve it from our surroundings itself.
Though those who converted to Christianity feel that the European Culure is great (I have seen the messages of some people like "let us get rid of the monkey culture and hail the great European culture, etc) and the Muslims think that the culture of 7th century Arabia was much better than what exists today.
Neither the European Christians consider the converted Indians as equals to them nor the Arabs consider the muslims from the Indian sub-continent as equal to them (in fact the Arabs refer to all Indians - irrespective of religions - as "hindi miskeen (wretched Indians). Still the Indian muslims swear by some imaginary "Ummah"!!!!!
If you are not satisfied with your religion, fight the system from within and try to make the difference to the society. I do not even want the Christians/Muslims to change their belief but they should change with the time.
they spread the message that only people who believe in jesus christ will go to heaven implying that all others go to hell.
is this a peace message or hate message? they are not just happy to go to heaven -- they harass others in bus stands and train stations also to convert to go to that fake heaven. apprantly they don't know that the heaven is fake and temporary created by western money.
RE:Hypocrite christians
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 08:03 PM Permalink
The followers of all Semitic religions are same when it comes to the monopoly of their gods! It is only Yaveh for the Jews, Holy Trinity for the Christians and Allah for the Muslims. The West Asian gods are so jealous that they abhor even the thought of worshipping any other god!!
RE:RE:Hypocrite christians
by chaddi wala on Aug 05, 2008 08:07 PM Permalink
Hinduism cannot save because it worships the wrong God, follows the wrong religious authority, seeks the wrong destiny, and teaches the wrong ways to achieve that destiny. True salvation can be found only in Jesus Christ. It can be understood only through the gospel of Jesus. And it can be obtained only by faith and obedience to Jesus' teaching.
Again, Hindus offer no objective evidence that their teachings were revealed by God or that their Scriptures are truly divine. They may try to show they are reasonable, but mainly they urge you to try it to see if you find it satisfying. If you get hooked emotionally on it, like other experiential religions, you will not likely listen to reason. But there is no valid evidence why anyone should believe it.
Only the Bible offers consistent reasonable evidence to convince the unbeliever that it is truly revealed by God. That evidence is found in fulfilled prophecy, eyewitness testimony of miracles, the resurrection of Christ, etc. Only in Christ can we have assurance for our faith.
RE:Hypocrite christians
by ravula reddy on Aug 05, 2008 08:12 PM Permalink
Each and every day of the Jesus was written in book. But 7-13yrs of Jesus life is or not mentioned in the book. Do you know where he was all these 7-13yrs? Jesus spent 7yrs to gain knowledge in Himalayas after he got the knowledge he returned to Jerusalem. He got his knowledge from the Hindu Pandits. But still people say that Christianity is great. When your god got knowledge from Hindus then how come Christianity is greater than Hinduism.
RE:Hypocrite christians
by ravula reddy on Aug 05, 2008 08:34 PM Permalink
I have a documentary film by BBC which say's that Jesus was enlightened in Himalayas by Hindu Pandits, Swamis and Gurus. After gaining knowledge from Himalaya he returned to Jerusalem to preach people what ever he gained. What ever knowledge is gained was not full. Half knowledge is always dangerous. Jesus was not dead on the cross he was alive. People decided that if he stay's in Jerusalem he will be killed so they found that Himalaya was safest place for him, if he stay’s in any European countries he will be killed so Himalayas was selected. You can find this documentary film by BBC in youtube. What about the wife of Jesus? Why Bible hide’s his wife and life with wife? Christianity is fake they hide all the facts and talk about what they want. But it is not with Hinduism.
RE:Hypocrite christians
by west on Aug 05, 2008 08:18 PM Permalink
and for you - the discovery channel is the authority? why should others believe that channel when it's run by christian money? i say it's biased
RE:Hypocrite christians
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 08:24 PM Permalink
>>>>>>>>Hinduism cannot save because it worships the wrong there anything called "wrong God" and "right God"? Which you claim as "right God"? Yaveh? Holy Trinity? Allah?.............?........??
RE:Hypocrite christians
by west on Aug 05, 2008 08:11 PM Permalink
hey chaddi wala - sorry, but my message is for people who can use their brain and think for a while. it's not meant for people like u who are wired wrong and think true as fake and vice versa.
Spiritually man is in the image or likeness of God (Gen. 1:26f; 5:1; 9:6; James 3:9; 1 Cor. 11:7). But our inner being is not Divine, not of the essence of God, and not to be worshiped. To believe we are Divine is blasphemous.
Acts 10:25,26 - Peter refused to accept worship from Cornelius because Peter himself was "a man." [Cf. Rev. 22:8,9; 19:10]
Acts 14:15 - When the people of Lystra tried to offer sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas as gods (v8-18), the inspired men said the people should cease such practices and worship the living God. They said they were men of like passions with those attempting to worship them.
1 Samuel 15:29 - God is not a man.
It is not true that our inner essence is that of God. Therefore, it is not right to worship any man, neither ancestors nor religious teachers.
[See also Matt. 23:8-12; Ezek. 28:2,6-10; Gen. 3:5; Acts 12:22,23; Isa. 55:8,9; Heb. 2:7; John 10:33; Num. 23:19]
RE:Use of images in worship is forbidden.
by chaddi wala on Aug 05, 2008 07:35 PM Permalink
Karma Hindus believe that ones circumstances in life are completely determined by his previous conduct, either in this life or in previous lives. This is called "karma" (action).
Everything good and everything bad that happens to us in this life comes as a payment for our own past conduct. Nothing is ever the fruit of what others did, but always the consequences of our own conduct.
By doing good deeds in this life, therefore, one can improve his circumstances in the future, especially in future reincarnations. (BG, p. 9,10)
This term also is becoming popular and is often seen or heard in the entertainment industry - movies, music, television, etc.