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RE:By chaddi wala
by nai on Aug 05, 2008 09:02 PM

reply: Hence proved that Bible is a plagiarism of Sanatana dharma. Sanatana dharma has similar preachings. Read Bhagvad Gita. You will get your answers. Supremacy of Supreme Lord is described very beautifully there.

Sanatana dharma is eternal.. and other sectarian religions like Christianity and Islam, who have got a beginning have done nothing bt stolen some prime concepts of Hinduism, and presented them in a concocted way. Subsequently, in an unsuccessful attempt to defame the concepts of sanatana dharma, they could not understand with their puny minds, they derided idol worship. Actually anyone who sees a deity as a mere stone goes to hell. and anyone who considers God formless is offending God by calling Him handicapped !

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures