many tried to prove Jesus wrong and failed. However just to put you in the correct sense of things. Nobody forces anyone to convert. Conversion comes from ones heart. Also the truth is God created the world and man. Man sinned and fell short of the Glory of God and so man was seperated from God because of Sin. God hates sin but he still loves man. The penalty of Sin is death. but becasue God loved man He sent His son Jesus into the world to take the sin of man(you, me and everyone) and die in our place. So now anyone who puts their trust in Him will be saved. This is the truth and no one forces anyone to follow it. Its just that knowing the truth and keeping it to one self does not make sense so that is why a Christian shares the truth with others so that they too can be saved. It is left to the individual to accept or not. If he does he will get to heaven else he is doomed for hell. There is no other way to be saved but put your faith in the one who died to save you. So it is Love all the way. from God for sending his son Jesus and from Jesus to die for us (because He loved us) and from his followers (because they love people and dont want them to perish) Now its up to you to follow or not.