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RE:Hypocrite christians
by ravula reddy on Aug 05, 2008 08:34 PM

I have a documentary film by BBC which say's that Jesus was enlightened in Himalayas by Hindu Pandits, Swamis and Gurus. After gaining knowledge from Himalaya he returned to Jerusalem to preach people what ever he gained. What ever knowledge is gained was not full. Half knowledge is always dangerous.
Jesus was not dead on the cross he was alive. People decided that if he stay's in Jerusalem he will be killed so they found that Himalaya was safest place for him, if he stay’s in any European countries he will be killed so Himalayas was selected. You can find this documentary film by BBC in youtube.
What about the wife of Jesus? Why Bible hide’s his wife and life with wife?
Christianity is fake they hide all the facts and talk about what they want. But it is not with Hinduism.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures