Undistorted Hinduism is real secularism. The whole civilized world is Hindu. Secularism & Democracy are the foundations of Hinduism. Religion is One and is about Human Skills & Values thus developing our Body and Mind, Emotions and Intellect, Creativity and Consciousness. Caste is One & is a life concept distorted by confused people. It means that to live life intelligently we need to effectively balance the 4-forces within - Thinker, Protector, Economist, Worker - and also while governing society. This is all based on natural human intelligence. The roots of the ancient Indian philosophy are secular, logical and universal. The idols are objectives in life: Shiva (freedom), Durga (Strength), Saraswati Knowledge), Lakshmi (Wealth), Ganesh (Wisdom). Life is God. These Goddesses symbolize the goals of human life. All secular societies practice this. This is same as the US Constitution, the teachings of Confucius, Buddha, those of European renaissance thinkers like Voltaire, Shaw. Every developed country in the world is "truly secular" and has one law, uniform code & gender equality, keeping focus on performance & productivity & excel in life, work & sports.