all political parties must support govt on nuke treaty issue, although we can hv diffrences at home level but if it is a matter of national interest all parties must forget their diffrences, it iwas bjp who conducted a nuclear test in 1998, china able to sign treaty only after 13 year of negotiations, now India got a chance to stand with world community and we go on backfoot it will shame for all.leftist are wrong on this issue because they are always wrong but what happend to BJP they must support it, otherwise in election they will loose sympathy of general public.
yes govt should pass nuke deal & go to mid term poll & expose comrades anti indian anti national policies . they blackmail india & indian govt last three years.they are working as aagent of china& terrorist. if india produce nuclear energy & reduce oil burden comrades how accept this? their link with terrorist , naxal, jehadi anti indian elements .funding source is petro dollar mainly for terror activities in india if this source dry up who will ask comrades . strongly take hard action under anti national law agst terrorist, comrades, jehadi, naxal then go for election congress will find two third majority.indian public mind clear about comrades these are anti indian elements.
RE:pass nuke deal
by ravi mishra on Aug 21, 2007 09:45 AM Permalink
You are absolutely right.This time LEFT is totally wrong and if they continue to stick on their point they have to pay for it in the future
govt. should go ahead with its schdule for nuke treaty with is need of india and if mid term polls shall be conducted we the people of india shall teach a lesson to all who are opposing it.
The Commies are nothing but chinese Stooge.. The only country that offers a stable alternative to Chinese Manufacturing sector is India. It is quite natural that China will try to ensure that India becomes a consumer of Chinese goods rather than producer of goods that compete with China. All around India Commies want to derail growth without even offering a viable alternative plan!! I am 100% sure that commies and sociliasts offer a great threat to "Middle Class". Congress too was a communist stooge and not long back (1969) all the present parties except the communists,forward bloc and BJP were part of congress. Commies ensure that India buy junk military harware from USSR (min 35000 crorer of junk was sold to India) and worse, Russia did not allow us to reneotiate loan when USSR collapse and rouble was as good as dust. Congress & commies have helped illegal migration from Bangaldesh (estimated to be 2- 3 crore) and half of these have become citizen of India putting a burdern on PDS and elevating subsidy bill. The Middle class continues to pay taxes religiously and thes clowns(commies, congress) literally throw the oney in drain. Commies should be banned immediately.
Congress shouls be firm even if the govt. falls. People will support them in mid term polls. Bjp must give a surprise to left by supporting congress to teach a lesson to left parties which are sold out to China who is enemy no. one of India. We are in the need of energy at any cost. Our PM is not a political man. He should rise above the unwise politics and sacrifice his Govt. if it is required for the welfare of common people. He should prove that he is Dr. Man Mohan Singh who is respected in whole of the world.
RE:Country first and politics last
by Shridhar Iyer on Aug 21, 2007 09:07 AM Permalink
Aug 21, 2007.
Dear Mr.Manmohan Saluja,
You must understand that the PM had mentioned in Parliament that our interests are fully safeguarded before signing the agreement. Now it has come to light that we will lose our right to test nuclear weapons as long as this agreement is in force. If we test weapons/bombs, then US will terminate this agreement, and therefore we will not be able to get the fuel under this agreement. Now you shd decide whether to accept and implement this agreement, which curtails our right to test nuclear weapon. If the security situation in the sub-continent demands that we should update our nuclear arsenal, at a late date, then this agreement will be a burden on us. This is what the oppossition parties are crying from the rooftop.
Now you can decide what do you want, and which party is national and which party is anti-national.
RE:Country first and politics last
by MOHAN PYARE on Aug 21, 2007 09:25 AM Permalink
How did you come to know that India will lose the right to test nuclear weapons? Where did you read it? We did not read it anywhere. So please let us know.
RE:Country first and politics last
by Navratan Sethia on Aug 21, 2007 09:36 AM Permalink
congress know very well comrades anti national policies timely they accept support from comrades i think major mistake by sonia. view of indian pulic is same for congree & bjp but view about comrades is different public image of comrades in public anti social goonda elements, anti national, anti indian. today we look apicture on tv channel karat & manmohan we thoght this picture look as any respected P>M is standing with dawood.
RE:Country first and politics last
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:12 AM Permalink
No sir. India still has the right to test. If India tests in response to Chinese or Pakistani test then US has no problem. Even if India test on her own then also US has to supply for 1 year and then it can decide whether to stop or not the agreement. But it will continue to support the agreement because by then India will be the biggest ally of US in Asia and US will have no option but to support India
RE:RE:Country first and politics last
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:14 AM Permalink
This Nuclear deal is Good for US, Good for the world and Very Good for India. Now you decide which party is National and which anti-National. We all know who supported Godse instad of Gandhi and which party supported China when it attacked India
RE:Country first and politics last
by MUNISANKARA NAIDU on Aug 21, 2007 09:16 AM Permalink
Very good reply. This implies to all who wants to accept N-Deal. First, our interest shall be security of nation. We should not sacrifice national security for so called growth. There are many alternatives we can choose from for fuels.
RE:Country first and politics last
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:26 AM Permalink
Growth is the only way for national security. True national security will come only with economical Growth. For growth we need energy. While we bring oil pipeline through Pakistan what is this nonsense opposition to N.Deal. infact we are increasing our security through this Deal. We can test N-Wepons even after this deal as it agrees a test of N-Wepon is necessary to counter the tests of China or Pakistan. Even after the deal even if India wishes to test a N weapon on Her own She can as No one can stop Her as the ones(China,Russia,US) that tries to stop Her as got thousands of nuclear weapons.
RE:Country first and politics last
by on Aug 21, 2007 09:22 AM Permalink
Dear Mr. Srinivasan,
Lets say that we do not go ahead with deal. What happens? India remains as a pariah in terms of Nuclear energy.
1. If you have read correctly (and gone beyond Burning headlines), in case of emergency, if India tests, deal does not get terminated immediately. Now, there is a scope of discussion before that happens. Also, if India has to return the fuel, India gets all the money for the fuel returned. But in the mean time, India would have advanced so much, that it can only help India's cause. 2. If we do not get this deal now, we will never get it (atleast in near future). From where do you think that India will get all the energy that is required? May be leftists will ask China to supply some? 3. Have you read reports about China and Pak are preparing to sign the deal. I am very sure that they will go for it, irrespective of Indo-US deal.
Communists in India are playing in the hands of their masters in China. They are indulging in the petty politics and do vot form any other ideological baseother than inciting industrial workers to shutdown and put clog in the wheels of development of the nation. They should be oschesterised and kept leashed. Nation at present needs strong leadership who can not only rule with a will to develop the nation to its potential and also imbibe discipline among the masses.India at present lacks the leadership and should go to polls to bring back BJP with Advani as leader who has these capabilities.
RE:N- Deal
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:57 AM Permalink
Its true Advani has very good leadership qualities and India will progress under his rule. But unfortunately he has other qualities which make unsuitable for the post of prime minister. Manmohan is the best and India knows it. India most probably will elect him again.
RE:N- Deal
by MOHAN PYARE on Aug 21, 2007 09:28 AM Permalink
Even if BJP comes to power with Advani as the PM, they will go ahead with the nuclear cooperation with the US with renewed vigour. It was the BJP government which started actively engaging the US for better ties. There is no question of going back on it.
I think this is the best time to go to the polls.Either Congress or the NDA will comeback with an absolute majority after filteration from unwanted federal politicians.NDA will make a strong leader of LKAdvani,and if Congress stages a comeback on its own,then Sonia will have to take courage to lead from the front.And the LEFT ,let them be left.In either case the N-Deal will go through.
RE:Early polls
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:53 AM Permalink
Its absolute waste to have early polls. It will through a hung parliment with no one with a Majority. We need stabilty. We should make a strict law saying There will be election only once in 5 years. If a govt falls or parliment fails to form a govt we should have presidents rule for the rest of the term. Irrespective of the Govt India can function. What is most important is the choice given to the people every 5 years.
RE:Early polls
by Shridhar Iyer on Aug 21, 2007 09:19 AM Permalink
Mr.Bhatnagar, Under the present circumstances, it may be difficult to get an absolute majority for any single party. This is because people while voting for parliament MPs, also think about regional issues. Thats why we see regional parties are strong in their respective States. For example DMK, AIADMK in T.Nadu, Akali Dal in Punjab, Janta Dal in Karnataka, TDP in A.P, CPI-M in Bengal & Kerala, etc.
Therefore unless people decide about national issues, before voting for MPs, it is highly unlikely that any party gets an absolute majority. The single largest party will have to go for alliances with strong but regional parties with good number of seats in Parliament. Since the Govt survives on their support, they also try to ask for their pound of flesh. Once the honey moon is over, differences comes out in the open, one accusing the other. When it reaches beyond the repairable stage, then the alliance breaksup, and we will have one more election. This is what has been happening for the last few elections. Look at the drama happened recently in Goa. MLAs there do not feel ashamed of playing the musical chairs!.
Unless people make those people, who brings down Govt for their own selfish/personal interests, suffer by defeating them convincingly, there will not be any respite for us from this problem. As far as your imagination that Sonia shd lead from the front, last time also she tried her best, but was advised by the President to rethink because of her foreig
RE:Early polls
by Padamprakash Bhatnagar on Aug 21, 2007 02:18 PM Permalink
I agree to disagree with you . At present the politicians are not prepared to fight the elections.The mood of the Indian public to the tamasha going on at the Centre or in States,will help in throwing out the present lot,and HOPEFULLY,some nationally dedicated and/or devoted plople may emerge winners. After all all these years we have been having this poll lottery hoping to hit the elusive jackpot,and failing to get leaders worth their name.
The government should hold a national referendum seeking to ban the communist parties from having any participation in the political process. I sure an overwhelming majority will vote in support of banning the Leftists.
If the people from Bengal and Kerala wish to continue letting the communists rule them then restrict these parties to continue disastrous rule in these states, but from the national stage, they should be thrown out.
RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 08:48 AM Permalink
Communists are necessary evil. They oppose all progress. they are against freedom and democracy even though it is enabling them to shout in Inda. The support the naxals. They dont care for India and will support China again when it again attacks India. They support illegal and immoral strikes of Trade Unions. They support illegal pavement shops and the traffic offenders and Manual rikshas etc. But they are still necessary because otherwise the capitallist will totally ignore the poor of India and Make India the most corrupt nation of the world.
RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by Sun on Aug 21, 2007 09:16 AM Permalink
Mr, George what you say may be right,that communism is a necessary evil. But can you tell me which of our local commies follow real communist ideals. They live a life of luxury amass wealth in the family names and do all sort of nonsense that all political leaders do. Then what is the need for that party. They use communism as a facade just the way the Congi's use socialism & secularism and the BJP uses Hinduism and the local goons like the DMK,Shiv Sena use liguistic jingoism.
RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by George Fernandez on Aug 21, 2007 09:38 AM Permalink
Yes I agree with Bharat and Sun. Its true communists are anti-national and agianst progress, but still they are less corrupt than other parties and still got some good social agenda. So we should keep them but keep them small
RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by Navratan Sethia on Aug 21, 2007 09:27 AM Permalink
they think if public become economicaly sound then they could not sell their dirty idea . how they will devide public majority, minority.then nobody will accept thier anti national thinking.
RE:Ban Communist Parties at National Level
by bharat on Aug 21, 2007 09:06 AM Permalink
But over the years, their 'evil' component has grown so much that it has made the 'necessary' component look miniscule in comparison. What is left of them is pure nuisance value. They just throw their weight around to stop things from happening, but you don't see any constructive effort from them. It is easy to tell what not to do. They will not answer if you ask them what to do.