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RE:Early polls
by Shridhar Iyer on Aug 21, 2007 09:19 AM

Under the present circumstances, it may be difficult to get an absolute majority for any single party. This is because people while voting for parliament MPs, also think about regional issues. Thats why we see regional parties are strong in their respective States. For example DMK, AIADMK in T.Nadu, Akali Dal in Punjab, Janta Dal in Karnataka, TDP in A.P, CPI-M in Bengal & Kerala, etc.

Therefore unless people decide about national issues, before voting for MPs, it is highly unlikely that any party gets an absolute majority. The single largest party will have to go for alliances with strong but regional parties with good number of seats in Parliament. Since the Govt survives on their support, they also try to ask for their pound of flesh. Once the honey moon is over, differences comes out in the open, one accusing the other. When it reaches beyond the repairable stage, then the alliance breaksup, and we will have one more election. This is what has been happening for the last few elections. Look at the drama happened recently in Goa. MLAs there do not feel ashamed of playing the musical chairs!.

Unless people make those people, who brings down Govt for their own selfish/personal interests, suffer by defeating them convincingly, there will not be any respite for us from this problem.
As far as your imagination that Sonia shd lead from the front, last time also she tried her best, but was advised by the President to rethink because of her foreig

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