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RE:Country first and politics last
by Shridhar Iyer on Aug 21, 2007 09:07 AM

Aug 21, 2007.

Dear Mr.Manmohan Saluja,

You must understand that the PM had mentioned in Parliament that our interests are fully safeguarded before signing the agreement. Now it has come to light that we will lose our right to test nuclear weapons as long as this agreement is in force. If we test weapons/bombs, then US will terminate this agreement, and therefore we will not be able to get the fuel under this agreement. Now you shd decide whether to accept and implement this agreement, which curtails our right to test nuclear weapon. If the security situation in the sub-continent demands that we should update our nuclear arsenal, at a late date, then this agreement will be a burden on us. This is what the oppossition parties are crying from the rooftop.

Now you can decide what do you want, and which party is national and which party is anti-national.

With best wishes,

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Will the govt pass N-deal?