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RE:Country first and politics last
by on Aug 21, 2007 09:22 AM

Dear Mr. Srinivasan,

Lets say that we do not go ahead with deal. What happens? India remains as a pariah in terms of Nuclear energy.

1. If you have read correctly (and gone beyond Burning headlines), in case of emergency, if India tests, deal does not get terminated immediately. Now, there is a scope of discussion before that happens. Also, if India has to return the fuel, India gets all the money for the fuel returned. But in the mean time, India would have advanced so much, that it can only help India's cause.
2. If we do not get this deal now, we will never get it (atleast in near future). From where do you think that India will get all the energy that is required? May be leftists will ask China to supply some?
3. Have you read reports about China and Pak are preparing to sign the deal. I am very sure that they will go for it, irrespective of Indo-US deal.

its for you to decide...


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Will the govt pass N-deal?