The Commies are nothing but chinese Stooge.. The only country that offers a stable alternative to Chinese Manufacturing sector is India. It is quite natural that China will try to ensure that India becomes a consumer of Chinese goods rather than producer of goods that compete with China. All around India Commies want to derail growth without even offering a viable alternative plan!! I am 100% sure that commies and sociliasts offer a great threat to "Middle Class". Congress too was a communist stooge and not long back (1969) all the present parties except the communists,forward bloc and BJP were part of congress. Commies ensure that India buy junk military harware from USSR (min 35000 crorer of junk was sold to India) and worse, Russia did not allow us to reneotiate loan when USSR collapse and rouble was as good as dust. Congress & commies have helped illegal migration from Bangaldesh (estimated to be 2- 3 crore) and half of these have become citizen of India putting a burdern on PDS and elevating subsidy bill. The Middle class continues to pay taxes religiously and thes clowns(commies, congress) literally throw the oney in drain. Commies should be banned immediately.