the benefit of reservations can not be denied .benefits should reach all oppressed sections. south indian OBCs who are educationally more advanced than even the forward castes of north india should not be given all benefits in newer reservations .the opperessed sections from the backward states like UP , Bihar should be classified as very backward and given the benefit of present policy. otherwise there is danger of south indian OBCs taking all benefit and north indian OBCs ( who are becoming aware ) being left high and dry
With the anti-quota protests gaining momentum, its really shocking that not a single politician or political party, either from the ruling coalition or the opposition, has voiced a public opinion on the matter. They are shrewd enough to gauge the repercussions of speaking against the decision of Hon. Arjun Singh, because by doing so they would be inviting the wrath of the vast population of the OBCs in India. One cannot gain equality through inequality. Asking for a reservation is questioning one's own intellectual capacity. Reserving a seat in a bus for a handicapped person would hold some logic, because a person's disability is a visible trait and he/she is physically challenged to fight for a seat. Applying similar logic to the academic scenario is outrightly capricious because caste is an abstract concept and a person claiming reservation is intellectually capable to go through the selection procedures. I too belong to the OBC category and If I were to claim a seat in an institute the basis of my caste, then I should be considering myself as mentally backward and not socially backward simply because I am asking for a concession in marks!
Atlast some sane voices.The way the print and electronic media was going about tom-tomming the flawed albeit vociferous protest tactics of FC protesters and has condoned the criminal neglect of medical services in the Medical Colleges due to the illegal strike is plain disgusting. The voices of the people and Medicos for reservations are purposely ignored.Even after the assuarance of the Govt. that existing seats for FC wont be decreased but the infrastructure will be strengthened and seats increased to accomodate more candidates,the FC medicos stand exposed in their chauvinistic attitude towards their BC countrymen. Rservations provide opportunity,which was hitherto denied in our country with an ossified caste system.After admission a candidate is awarded the degree only after he/she demonstrates the requisite proficiency in the the subject; so where is the question of fall in professional std. And the hoarse crying which FC protestors have against rich sections of BC cornering all the benefits, is asinine because creamy layer criteria is used to exclude the well-off OBC candidates. Its high time the striking medicos resume duty and obey the laws.
Pro-Reservation students of course want the free ride to continue forever. But the question is what about thoe students who worked hard and deserved those seats but were snatched away and given to some "caste" students because politicians want votes. It is the views of the students whose seats are snatched that matters.Because they will be the ones that are in pains. So, in stead of complaining that you should give away your seats and not even complain about that is really high and selfish expectations, pro-reservations should throw away the OBC tag and come out and ask for cancelling the reservation. Then their fellow students will embrace them. After all we need all students to be united for a united india.Because of high population and corruption and lack of education India is backward. It is not because of forward cast who are creating at least some light at the end of tunnel. Taking care of population control, corruption and improving education for all is needed along with zero or may be 5% reservation for handicapped and veterans.
these OBC ppl r not sparing the media as well .the media is the only democratic thing left in this undemocratic country..thank the media for whatever they have done even if it had been against u OBC ppl. ..u compromise with merit on the first place and then blame the media...the first instances of reservations in this country date well back into 1902..well in 100 yrs if the social and economic status of the backward castes hadnt improved then rest assured they r not going to improve in the next 100 yrs as well..but who cares?? these politicians care only about elections in 5 yrs ..100 yrs is too long for them.When the UPA government is celebrating their 2 yrs at the centre by having banquets ..hundreds of students are on hunger strikes with their healths declining every day.what a country ..wat a democracy..Salute these young students and heroes of the country,u ministers because u all r gud for nothing...i came across students who have decided to go to the US for pursuing studies coz they feel they wont have an opportunity to study here .well thot of.let the meritorious students leave this country then government will understand its fault..but for the time being its BYE BYE INDIA
Accepting undue favour can be a poison in disguise. It happened with this country long ago. When Europeans came to India, they supported small king and destroyed slowly big one. Then small Kings became worst than slaves. Without reason they were not small kings. I have many Friends in OBC , But some of them are very bright. They do not need this quota.
Nothing comes for free. Today this people may feel they want reservation than an equality, Mark my word this people are going back to stone age. Anyway if it is written on the wall that country should cease existing, no one can prevent that. People like Arjun Singh and Sonia Gandhi are always there to do it. Sonia does not feel she is an Indian first of all. Once again tis nation may be ensalved. People with merit may flee nation and they willbe slaves in alian land and people without merit rule this nation which can be easily be prey to external attack. Wonderful setup. So we Indians are slaves onceagain. We can not stop looking like a pig. God save this nation.
RE:When people become stupid accepting a undue favour
by Vinod on May 28, 2006 01:53 PM Permalink
And you seem like a frustrated FC. Those comments were perfectly justified.
RE:When people become stupid accepting a undue favour
by edwin on May 30, 2006 07:08 AM Permalink
Wake up man. u must be so sick of caste. Why do you wants to bring caste system in the education system. Please donot make India to be inefficient. Use your merit to get into those institutions not through your caste.
I am impressed with the doctors and students supporting the quotas. While the uppercaste antiquota medicos are heaping insult to injuries of patients, these real dedicated doctors are doing their duty and serving nation. Forget taking antiquota medicos seriously, India should literally kick out such blind selfish 'merit' zombies. It is obvious that majority of the UC media doesn't show these facts. The media wants sensational 'Rang de' style protests. What a shame!! The selfish and powerful can get away with their almost illegal bandh while the candid deserving lower caste doctors won't even get the recognition for their genuine service (they are doing double shift to fill up for their apathetic upper cast colleagues!!). So who is serving the nation now? If such is the bias against lower caste in media and most of elite management bodies, doesn't it make case of quotas stronger? The one sided debates and opinions in media only show how badly polarised all our top educational and professional institutes are. Do unbiased readers think it is possible for a deserving talented BC candidate to reach to top without helping hand of quota in such a biased society?
RE:quota protest
by nandita on May 29, 2006 11:36 AM Permalink
tell your OBC friends to compete with the upper caste students with out quota. then you will understand why they are stamped as obcs.! the people like u are makeing us to comment like this!
RE:quota protest
by debanjan on May 27, 2006 06:32 PM Permalink
u seem a frustrated OBC to me..not only r u ruthless but go on babbling without any justification of ur comments ...thank god and the ministers that there r quotas waiting for ppl like u or else u would have understood y these doctors are going on hunger strikes ..they had to work hard to study medical at AIIMS and other medical colleges ..not like u championing the slogan "proud to be an OBC" ..hey man wake up b4 its too late bcoz its for ppl like u that the quota is going to be implemented.
RE:quota protest
by abhinav on May 29, 2006 01:21 PM Permalink
I am greatly saddened at the state of affairs in our country. Eveyone wants a piece of the cake....without having to put any effort for it. I have seen lot of SC/ST (leave alone OBC) compete in the general quota...and not take advantage of the reservation system. They were deserving self respecting men. I donot a self respecting man would feel proud of getting some degree while in his heart of heart he knows that he did not deserve it.
The media is only depicting and supporting the fundamental right of every Indian to an equal opportunity. This is clearly a politicians shameless gamble to get more votes. Tell me one thing - why does not the government do the reservation on poverty basis??? Why does it not come out with schemes to improve primary education in villages?? I feel it is a the foreigner (Sonia Gandhi) to destroy our reason for progress - which is our wonderful and fair education system. It is a plot to see that the country does not suceed and become a superpower it is destined to. But I have faith in the people. Hindus should not let a foreigner divide us again based on caste. Let us be one and we will rule the world. Jai Hind!!!
RE:quota protest
by Prakash Mudholkar on May 27, 2006 08:13 PM Permalink
Well said Debanjan. I am proud of you.
Looks like these so called OBCs, SCs and STs will soon want reservations in U.S. Universities as well. I was once asked by a person who was from an SC background whether U.S. Universities will allow him to be taken as he was from backward class.
The true reason for the caste system not disappearing in India is not because of the Forward caste people not accepting these so called backward caste people into the mainstream. It is because these backward class people themselves like to keep calling themselves as SCs, STs etc...
How else will they reap the benefits of the reservations once they become forward castes...?
RE:quota protest
by Mayank on May 28, 2006 03:02 AM Permalink
1) Same media had a strong and good coverage of Narmada Bachao Andolan and I hope you won't say that they did for upper class or forward class and there are many instances in past. So stop accusing media and get some facts which can be presented in favour of Pro-reservation (if u have any)
RE:quota protest
by Kaushik Das on May 28, 2006 11:43 PM Permalink
It's their jobs that are going. You are getting free jobs even without working hard enough. If you care about patients so much, then you should champion the cause of merit even more. What will happen to the patients when substandard people become doctors? As far as double shifts are concerned, all doctors have to do continuous shifts sometime or the other in their lives. Will you have reservation in that also? We know very well that you guys have merit. It's time for you to accept that.
RE:quota protest
by Prakash Mudholkar on May 31, 2006 07:10 PM Permalink
Well said Debanjan. I am proud of you.
Looks like these so called OBCs, SCs and STs will soon want reservations in U.S. Universities as well. I was once asked by a person who was from an SC background whether U.S. Universities will allow him to be taken as he was from backward class.
You all will be astounded at the dropout rate of the SC, ST people at the IITS and other Institutes. Rest of them somehow manage to finish their respective degrees in six, seven, eight years...Many are still doing.
The true reason for the caste system not disappearing in India is not because of the Forward caste people not accepting these so called backward caste people into the mainstream. It is because these backward class people themselves like to keep calling themselves as SCs, STs etc...
How else will they reap the benefits of the reservations once they become forward castes...?
The print and electronic media is made up of 100 % FC men and women. They are the ones instrumental in creating the present ruckus. The so called anti-quota agitation is nothing but the frustrated outburst of a few hundred FC medicos. It is the media which has given this tantrum the status of an agitation. The print media has played a leading role. The Times of India for eg. makes it a point to devote three to four pages to this so called agitation. Only the views of FC's are tomtommed. Views of the SC/OBC's are ruthlessly omitted. The visuals are all of anti-quota protesters only. When V.P.Singh had introduced Mandal reservations Mr Arun Shourie used to write daily editorials on the front page full of poison against the OBC's. Ours is a country of Backward Majority ruled by the Forward Minority. This appeasement of FC's has got to be stopped. SC/OBC kids have to penetrate the media in larger numbers. Only then can the casteist slant of the media be corrected.
RE: Truth is Always Bitter!
by SECULAR on May 28, 2006 02:41 PM Permalink
The Media is projecting the facts and it is the duty of the Media to project facts howssever Bitter it may be to some.
Any civilised person would admit that Reservation on the basis of Caste and religion is undemocratic and violative of One's Fundamental Right.
The British Missionary designed the slogan that the weaker sections were oppressed by the upper section of the Society, to a) divide the society b) to convert the innocent poor to Christianity thru Incentive and false promises.
Such tactics are outdated and the Modern World wants to unite the Youth with one theme, i.e EQUALITY. All are equal in a secular country. You cannot penalise a Youth with the stupid allegation that once upon a time his great grand father oppressed the great grand father of an SC student. As such the bright UC youth with 80% marks shd be denied admission and the SC guy with 45% marks shd be admitted.
THIS is Jungle Law and must be thrown out.
Constitution has been prepared for Ammendemnts and one more amendment will not make Heaven to fall!
Introduce a Clause to provide Quality School Education to all students of weaker section, free of charge, and bring them up.