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RE:quota protest
by Prakash Mudholkar on May 31, 2006 07:10 PM

Well said Debanjan. I am proud of you.

Looks like these so called OBCs, SCs and STs will soon want reservations in U.S. Universities as well.
I was once asked by a person who was from an SC background whether U.S. Universities will allow him to be taken as he was from backward class.

You all will be astounded at the dropout rate of the SC, ST people at the IITS and other Institutes. Rest of them somehow manage to finish their respective degrees in six, seven, eight years...Many are still doing.

The true reason for the caste system not disappearing in India is not because of the Forward caste people not accepting these so called backward caste people into the mainstream. It is because these backward class people themselves like to keep calling themselves as SCs, STs etc...

How else will they reap the benefits of the reservations once they become forward castes...?

Pity on you Gina!

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Quota: Other side of the story