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Support the Reservations for OBC.
by Dr.Kapil.A.Das on May 27, 2006 07:58 PM

Atlast some sane voices.The way the print and electronic media was going about tom-tomming the flawed albeit vociferous protest tactics of FC protesters and has condoned the criminal neglect of medical services in the Medical Colleges due to the illegal strike is plain disgusting.
The voices of the people and Medicos for reservations are purposely ignored.Even after the assuarance of the Govt. that existing seats for FC wont be decreased but the infrastructure will be strengthened and seats increased to accomodate more candidates,the FC medicos stand exposed in their chauvinistic attitude towards their BC countrymen.
Rservations provide opportunity,which was hitherto denied in our country with an ossified caste system.After admission a candidate is awarded the degree only after he/she demonstrates the requisite proficiency in the the subject; so where is the question of fall in professional std.
And the hoarse crying which FC protestors have against rich sections of BC cornering all the benefits, is asinine because creamy layer criteria is used to exclude the well-off OBC candidates.
Its high time the striking medicos resume duty and obey the laws.

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