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When people become stupid accepting a undue favour
by Nagendra on May 27, 2006 06:04 PM

Accepting undue favour can be a poison in disguise. It happened with this country long ago. When Europeans came to India, they supported small king and destroyed slowly big one. Then small Kings became worst than slaves. Without reason they were not small kings. I have many Friends in OBC , But some of them are very bright. They do not need this quota.

Nothing comes for free. Today this people may feel they want reservation than an equality, Mark my word this people are going back to stone age. Anyway if it is written on the wall that country should cease existing, no one can prevent that. People like Arjun Singh and Sonia Gandhi are always there to do it. Sonia does not feel she is an Indian first of all. Once again tis nation may be ensalved. People with merit may flee nation and they willbe slaves in alian land and people without merit rule this nation which can be easily be prey to external attack. Wonderful setup. So we Indians are slaves onceagain. We can not stop looking like a pig. God save this nation.

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Quota: Other side of the story