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Biased Media
by Sam on May 27, 2006 06:00 PM

The print and electronic media is made up of 100 % FC men and women. They are the ones instrumental in creating the present ruckus. The so called anti-quota agitation is nothing but the frustrated outburst of a few hundred FC medicos. It is the media which has given this tantrum the status of an agitation. The print media has played a leading role. The Times of India for eg. makes it a point to devote three to four pages to this so called agitation. Only the views of FC's are tomtommed. Views of the SC/OBC's are ruthlessly omitted. The visuals are all of anti-quota protesters only. When V.P.Singh had introduced Mandal reservations Mr Arun Shourie used to write daily editorials on the front page full of poison against the OBC's. Ours is a country of Backward Majority ruled by the Forward Minority. This appeasement of FC's has got to be stopped. SC/OBC kids have to penetrate the media in larger numbers. Only then can the casteist slant of the media be corrected.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Quota: Other side of the story