The print and electronic media is made up of 100 % FC men and women. They are the ones instrumental in creating the present ruckus. The so called anti-quota agitation is nothing but the frustrated outburst of a few hundred FC medicos. It is the media which has given this tantrum the status of an agitation. The print media has played a leading role. The Times of India for eg. makes it a point to devote three to four pages to this so called agitation. Only the views of FC's are tomtommed. Views of the SC/OBC's are ruthlessly omitted. The visuals are all of anti-quota protesters only. When V.P.Singh had introduced Mandal reservations Mr Arun Shourie used to write daily editorials on the front page full of poison against the OBC's. Ours is a country of Backward Majority ruled by the Forward Minority. This appeasement of FC's has got to be stopped. SC/OBC kids have to penetrate the media in larger numbers. Only then can the casteist slant of the media be corrected.
RE: Truth is Always Bitter!
by SECULAR on May 28, 2006 02:41 PM Permalink
The Media is projecting the facts and it is the duty of the Media to project facts howssever Bitter it may be to some.
Any civilised person would admit that Reservation on the basis of Caste and religion is undemocratic and violative of One's Fundamental Right.
The British Missionary designed the slogan that the weaker sections were oppressed by the upper section of the Society, to a) divide the society b) to convert the innocent poor to Christianity thru Incentive and false promises.
Such tactics are outdated and the Modern World wants to unite the Youth with one theme, i.e EQUALITY. All are equal in a secular country. You cannot penalise a Youth with the stupid allegation that once upon a time his great grand father oppressed the great grand father of an SC student. As such the bright UC youth with 80% marks shd be denied admission and the SC guy with 45% marks shd be admitted.
THIS is Jungle Law and must be thrown out.
Constitution has been prepared for Ammendemnts and one more amendment will not make Heaven to fall!
Introduce a Clause to provide Quality School Education to all students of weaker section, free of charge, and bring them up.