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Phoren fixation
by Mohan Cherukuri on May 12, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink 

Very true. We are still fixated with everything phoren. With so much balack money and undeclared wealth our netas love to be WB & IMF. Likes of PCs instead of unleashing human potential look for western media's cheer for opening up of economy and FDI. Nuclear agreemnt is anothe rsad effort along those lines. Likes of Narayana Murty feel the foreigners are embaraased by singing National Anthem. I lived in the US and neither I nor my Amercian were embarassed by similar action on their land.

Hypocrisy is what describes Indian elite and the politicans.

Middle class wants to just better itslef without upsetting the status quo.

I feel India is booming but then the dehatis are clear in their vision that behind all the hype, lies the uncleared garbage, overflowing sewers, dangerous levels of chemicla pollution, serious environmental damage etc. etc.

While we are brandishing our newfound gadgets pretty soon the roads are going to be clogged and theer will be massive power cuts making the so called development look actually a step backward.

Does anybody agree with me ?

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100 % truth
by oops on May 12, 2007 04:33 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I agree with wathever is mentioned that India which is poised to be next superpower with a booming economy still could not come out with fascination of going 2 USA or other countries, but don't u feel that the goverment could prevent this brain drain by leaving its obssesion on reservations, taxes ...etc etc..

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RE:100 % truth
by DrYNI Anand on May 12, 2007 08:39 PM  Permalink
More interesting are the comments by Mr Murthy. He is afflicted with a common disease called "Materialomania", meaning he is addicted to the materialistic world. No matter how much you earn, you can eat only as much as your stomach permits. No matter how many cars you own, you can drive only one car at one time. Irrespective of the brand of the car you own, one serious accident, and you are finished for ever. Mind you there is no bank there (heaven or hell) from where you can draw your 25 Lakhs per month money via ATM!

Coming to the rats, monkeys, cows, snakes and elephants, or for that matter, any animal, I think it is beyond the capability of people suffering from "materialomania" to understand the philosophy. Even Hinduism says that God is one. However, we see God in many forms. Murthy, as his name suggests should be from South India, like me. If he has heard about Srimad Bhagavad Gita, it does a lot good to him to read this great scripture to get him rid of his ailment. In one of the chapters the Lord says, "Yo Maam Pashyathi Sarvatra, Sarvancha Mayi Pashyathi, Tasyaham na Pranashyami, sa cha me na Pranasyathi", meaning, "He who sees Me everywhere, will see Me in everything, he will not be invisible to me, nor will I be invisible to him". This culture of Hinduism was preached long before other religions were born only to ensure that the human beings will develop tolerance towards and respect other animals. The best way was to associate each animal with God. It is the same story with 33 crore devathas, meaning that 33 odd crore species that God had created had to be respected by the human beings.

Alas! Mr Murthy is deeply immersed in his materialistic thoughts alone & is unable to see reason. I am confident that he will get out of this situation in course of time and will be able to think beyond money and materials. I wish him best of luck by the grace of God (that is one God).

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RE:100 % truth
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
A superpower DOES NOT necessarily mean improved quality of life.

Compare living standard of living in India versus Saudi Arabia.

In Saudi Arabia poverty line is if you dont own two cars !

In India it is 2500 calories. So even if a homeless begger is eating that calories he is above the official poverty line !!

Add to that average Indian is looted by so called superior pandits and worshiping monkeys and snakes rats as gods !

In Saudi GOD IS ONE ! No idiotic worshipping monkeys and rats as gods.

So being a superpower means nothing and does not give any special privilages either. Indians need visa to enter USA and Europe, Saudis dont.

Indian society = Crime corruption hypocricy vulgarity and pathetic movies and "superstars"

Saudi = Pure and excellent conduct. People DONT lock their homes, no thieves, no rapes. Thieves, corrupt peiple, drug dealers are killed instantly. Result ZERO CRIME.

No wonder India is neighter here (good conduct) nor there (good lifestyle).....a hellhole.

And I am a hindu saying this lest you think i am a muslim.

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RE:100 % truth
by Augustine Alemcherry on May 12, 2007 05:20 PM  Permalink
You may be a hindu or muslim acting like hindu. But the points you have mentioned is completely incorrect.

1. People DONT lock their homes, no thieves, no rapes - Joke of the year! Indians here are scared to walk alone or street, a saudi theif can come and snatch your mobile at any moment! If you live in Riyadh, go to Tahlia street ona thursday and see sex crazy youth running with their mobile numbers to anything covered black cloth from head to toe! People not just close their homes, they close the doors of their apartment building at the ground floor too!

2. Pure and excellent conduct - Man your basic rights are violated and you call it excellent conduct. People get arrested for walking on street during salat time! You dont have the freedom to choose your faith or practice it, critisize the corruption and the money all these princes eats up. All these hundreds of princes drink, enjoy women from all countries and no questions about it!

In india, atlest you have the freedom to choose. I am a christian and Indian - if I have another birth, I would prefer to be born as an Indian begger than a saudi fandamentalist religious fanatic.

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RE:100 % truth
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink

They changed religion because they were fed up of worshipping rats, snakes , monkeys as GODS.

Islam says GOD IS ONE.

You cannot have 1000000 gods that is plain stupid and against commonsense.

So dont harp that muslims in India were once Hindus. They quit stupid illogical religon and accepted REAL religion.

This is just like you ask me my great great grandfather's name in an form to be filled but not mine ! HOw stupid.

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RE:RE:100 % truth
by Augustine Alemcherry on May 12, 2007 05:26 PM  Permalink
God is one alright, but will he tell people to kill others? This is just madness, in the name of religion. Any religion that doesnt teach peace ais against humanity. Whether there is 1 or 100000 gods, what is the point if all they can do is promote violence? Sadi = Oil money Stupid Arabs Hatred Human rights violation. Nothing more.

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RE:100 % truth
by Sujith Mathew on May 12, 2007 05:00 PM  Permalink
Mr. Murthy,

I am a non-muslim who been to Saudi for executing a software project for Saudi Oil Company. I been to 4 other African nations for same purpose .

Saudi life is extremely horrible. Extreme racism , no freedom and people live like animals (and a lot of things)

Im currently in the process of completing my blog site of my experiences in Saudi.

Trust on me cause i been there, seen there.. You cannot EVEN company saudi with india...

Saudi's "only" have money. No brains, no education.

Trust my words..

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RE:100 % truth
by Puneet Nanda on May 12, 2007 05:18 PM  Permalink
Its strange you chose to use Saudi as an example.
Everybody here is quite aware of what's been happening in Saudi.
Fortunately for all of us we dont have a religious police here who would tell us what religion to follow and how to follow. I think we all saw it on news channeels when the religious police misbehaved with an Indian female journolist simply coz she was out on streets in the noon.

I also recall a frnd of mine whose parents (like you) were influenced by the riches of the saudi and married her to a person there. When this female was in India, we frnds kinna caught up and she told that there in saudi, a female cannot go anywhare, even to a local market if she's not acompanied by a male member of her family. Either her husband or her brother. So the poor female spent her life in solitude coz her family was in India and her husband was busy working 6 days of the week.

Freedom is the biggest and most cherished possession of an Indian. I dont think you can even imagine how wonderful it feels to be able to do what you want to, when you want to and how you want to.

As far as requiring a visa and all that.. I dont think its really true.. except for a few nations, saudis require visas everywhere they go and post 911 they are looked at with lots of suspicion at every checpoint in every airport of the world.
And as far as rapes etc. is concerned, Saudi Sheikh's are well known for their deeds in nations like UAE and Bahrain. So if you keep your home clean but play with dirt outside, the world would still call you dirty.

I know India is not best yet.. but its way above Saudi. Get real and learn to be proud of your nation. Speak something like this about saudi and I'm sorry.. we wont hear much about you after next friday.

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RE:100 % truth
by samit vats on May 12, 2007 05:22 PM  Permalink
Mr. Murthy do you know that Saudi regime is most barbaric in nature.Can you imagine that people are punished for keeping Bible in their homes. They(Saudis) can't manufacture anything,everything is imported from the west in return of oil.The day oil reserves dry up or some alternative source of energy is invented,the House of Saud will become beggar overnight.Nation's strength is not measured by how many cars its citizen own.Just find out the no. of research papers Indians use to write in U.S.,you will come to know that despite of billions of dollars of education budget Saudi are not able to produce even 1% of techies India produces every year.

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RE:100 % truth
by Dream Girl on May 12, 2007 10:22 PM  Permalink
the time has come to throw this murthy guy from our conversation here folks.. he;s just abusing India. Kick him out and let him rot with those barbarians. When they'll have him for lunch jus cuz he's Hindu, only then he'll use his brains

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Absolutely right
by Vinal Gandhi on May 12, 2007 04:31 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The writer is absolutely right in his observations except one thing. Rs.9.8 million equals US$240,000 and not US$24000.00. A typo?

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RE:Absolutely right
by Srikanth Chundi on May 12, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink

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Booming economy, depressing society
by Gopalan Ramachandran on May 12, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The Indian economy may be booming. But its society is depressing. No justice, no rule of law, no heart!

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RE:Booming economy, depressing society
by Satya Mosur on May 12, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
oh yeah? There is justice for brown skin post 9/11 in US ? I too have lived there....its all the same. If one is willing to accept a white man's kick, then there is justice everywhere !!!

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RE:Booming economy, depressing society
by satish gowda on May 12, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink
u r 100% right , here the system is really worse, and one day every thing going to burn

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RE:Booming economy, depressing society
by samarame on May 12, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
where on earth u can find perfect system

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RE:Booming economy, depressing society
by Murthy on May 12, 2007 05:04 PM  Permalink

Saudi Arabia. ZERO CRIME.

THIEVES and drugs dealers, rapists are killed instantly, no political contacts nonsense or bribing allowed . BOTH bribe givers as well as acceptors are KILLED.


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by Kunal Chowdhury on May 12, 2007 04:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Your scorn for the politicos has nothing to do with india's economic success. People wishing to leave india for better opportunities are to be celebrated for their guts, vision and self-confidence. If they succed, they will have made a real difference to the world. But so will those who stay behind and fight for a chance. Ignore the politicians and avoid idle criticism. Please focus on the struggle of individuals who move mountains in our party and babu offices.

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by Satya Mosur on May 12, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink
Yeah, but mind you, only a few make it big abroad. The rest are "sophisticated" slaves of the white skin. Who knows how they live there !

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