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Phoren fixation
by Mohan Cherukuri on May 12, 2007 04:38 PM

Very true. We are still fixated with everything phoren. With so much balack money and undeclared wealth our netas love to be WB & IMF. Likes of PCs instead of unleashing human potential look for western media's cheer for opening up of economy and FDI. Nuclear agreemnt is anothe rsad effort along those lines. Likes of Narayana Murty feel the foreigners are embaraased by singing National Anthem. I lived in the US and neither I nor my Amercian were embarassed by similar action on their land.

Hypocrisy is what describes Indian elite and the politicans.

Middle class wants to just better itslef without upsetting the status quo.

I feel India is booming but then the dehatis are clear in their vision that behind all the hype, lies the uncleared garbage, overflowing sewers, dangerous levels of chemicla pollution, serious environmental damage etc. etc.

While we are brandishing our newfound gadgets pretty soon the roads are going to be clogged and theer will be massive power cuts making the so called development look actually a step backward.

Does anybody agree with me ?

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Exiting a booming India