You may be a hindu or muslim acting like hindu. But the points you have mentioned is completely incorrect.
1. People DONT lock their homes, no thieves, no rapes - Joke of the year! Indians here are scared to walk alone or street, a saudi theif can come and snatch your mobile at any moment! If you live in Riyadh, go to Tahlia street ona thursday and see sex crazy youth running with their mobile numbers to anything covered black cloth from head to toe! People not just close their homes, they close the doors of their apartment building at the ground floor too!
2. Pure and excellent conduct - Man your basic rights are violated and you call it excellent conduct. People get arrested for walking on street during salat time! You dont have the freedom to choose your faith or practice it, critisize the corruption and the money all these princes eats up. All these hundreds of princes drink, enjoy women from all countries and no questions about it!
In india, atlest you have the freedom to choose. I am a christian and Indian - if I have another birth, I would prefer to be born as an Indian begger than a saudi fandamentalist religious fanatic.