Its strange you chose to use Saudi as an example. Everybody here is quite aware of what's been happening in Saudi. Fortunately for all of us we dont have a religious police here who would tell us what religion to follow and how to follow. I think we all saw it on news channeels when the religious police misbehaved with an Indian female journolist simply coz she was out on streets in the noon.
I also recall a frnd of mine whose parents (like you) were influenced by the riches of the saudi and married her to a person there. When this female was in India, we frnds kinna caught up and she told that there in saudi, a female cannot go anywhare, even to a local market if she's not acompanied by a male member of her family. Either her husband or her brother. So the poor female spent her life in solitude coz her family was in India and her husband was busy working 6 days of the week.
Freedom is the biggest and most cherished possession of an Indian. I dont think you can even imagine how wonderful it feels to be able to do what you want to, when you want to and how you want to.
As far as requiring a visa and all that.. I dont think its really true.. except for a few nations, saudis require visas everywhere they go and post 911 they are looked at with lots of suspicion at every checpoint in every airport of the world. And as far as rapes etc. is concerned, Saudi Sheikh's are well known for their deeds in nations like UAE and Bahrain. So if you keep your home clean but play with dirt outside, the world would still call you dirty.
I know India is not best yet.. but its way above Saudi. Get real and learn to be proud of your nation. Speak something like this about saudi and I'm sorry.. we wont hear much about you after next friday.