Jai Hind. Bharat Maata ki Jay. People of TN are against LTTE tamils. it doesnt matter whether im a muslim or christian or hindu.
we are against killing innocent people which LTTE has done repeatedly. in south india, we have a resolution not to support LTTE By killing our national leaders, LTTE has lost whatever sympathy it had in Tamilnadu people
Organisations like DMK, PMK and politicians are supporting LTTE for selling govt kerosene, Ration rice, and stealing PDS goods to fatten their pockets
Even the sethu samudram project is for carrying more goods to srilanka LTTE... they are tired of carrying by small boats... so they want to use big ships to carry India's PDS produce to Srilanka and make their pockets bigger
RE:India for Indians
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:28 PM Permalink
Community, religion or language is not bigger than Humanity.
The whole lot of support and helping hand here is because of 'Innocent people there suffer suppression from the extremist sinhala rulers'
You are Zero over the history of SL and mouth a lot. Sinhalas enacted as many rules sideling native Tamil starting from the day of independence. There were as many planned roits targeting innocent tamils from 1950s. Commissions setup by concecutive Govts had cleared accepted this and what are you here say a different story to all????
RE:RE:India for Indians
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 03:35 PM Permalink
Nothing wrong with me. But LTTE supporters are suppressing my view on Gandhian India.
RE:India for Indians
by veera kumar on Mar 10, 2008 03:38 PM Permalink
even if gandhi had stayed at this time would have tried to save the sri lankan tamils from the genocide ....
Gandhian view doenst imply that u have to act like a impotent .....
just 30 km from India there is a beleagured community being wiped out of their home land and India boasts itself as a regional super power .....
RE:India for Indians
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 03:40 PM Permalink
well first gandhi would have tried to keep our own house in order before looking at neighbourhood.
my point is first we need to set India in the right direction, before we go and set things right in Srilanka. You mean to say we dont have genocide in india ? hunger and poverty ?
RE:India for Indians
by veera kumar on Mar 10, 2008 03:43 PM Permalink
Genocide is much worse that hunger and poverty .... India will not drown by mediating with sri lankan gov to stop the killings ...
what has this has to do with Hunger and poverty of people in India ???
so u mean to say only western nations can come and meddle in others affairs as they are rich ???
if india hesitates ,sri lankan tamils will become history
RE:RE:RE:India for Indians
by prabancha RAMASWAMY on Mar 10, 2008 03:43 PM Permalink
Mohammed you are right in saying what LTTE is doing and had done. They have done lot a bad in India even they killed Padmnabha in Chennai and as well our own Rajiv Gandhi in Sriperumbudur. People who are saying that they are followers of Indira and Rajiv are still supporting a party which support LTTE always. What they have in paper to say about this, I would request Mr. Veera Kumar to answer this and to Mr.Mohammed atleast he is open to show his view.
Its not upper caste and lower caste which decide who we want, its your national thinking and support to the national anthem which make you full and live in this world. jai hind, Bharat Mata ki Jai, Vazhka Bharatham, Valarka Nam makkal
RE:India for Indians
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 05:18 PM Permalink
to Ramaswamy Lets understand why mr.Rajiv was killed. There r 2 Gandhi's in india. I.G was the one who openly supported seperate Tamil state in SL. after IG was assasinated RG became the PM of India. RG went against ltte and sent IPKF to SL to pacify the situation,but situation went the other way. Our IPKF in turn looted ,raped hapless girls & women instead of acting as peace force.Gave wrong pictures to govt,ordered for ariel bombardment.Think the same happens to any body in our neighbourhood how it would feel to us. This info gathered by me while i was in TN spoke to many Tamil refugees and Indian soldiers participated in IPKF.
RE:India for Indians
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 12:04 PM Permalink
y ppl dont have any local-thinking-mind u r faithful to only ur OWN brothers..mohammed..only time will answer all ur deeds..Tamil muslims are(Were???) few muslim ppl who live(d) as tamils first and muslims next...now bcas of globalization they too have atarted drifting towards arab-nationalism...DONT THINK TAMIL NATIONALISM is very weak..WHEN OIL RESOURCES DRAIN then we'll meet u in proper place!!
RE:India for Indians
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 10, 2008 06:26 PM Permalink
Mohammaed Islamul teh Tamil Muslims in Sri Lanka are mainly of south Indian origin with a dash of Arab blood in them. They speak a peculiar dialect of Tamil. However they do not want to identify themsleves as Tamils ( unlik eth Chrisitian and Hindu Tamils), They even deny their Tamil Hindu heritage but sem ot be only identifying themselves and state that they are all descended from Arabs( only areound 5 to 105 of them may have a distant Arab ancestor . the rest are of pure Tamil descent) they are very pro Oakistan and Saudi . They have openly sided with the Sinhalese and many times have joined Sinhlas mobs to dstroy Tamil Hindu and Christian homes and detroy HIndu temples. They have joined with the Sinhalas in the Tamil east. Both have conspired to chase the native ondgenopus HIndu Tamils out of the area. However there is going to be trouble later as the these Tamil Muslims ant the east to be Isalmic and the Sinhalas wnat it for them. This will be a very interesting tussle meanwhile the almost 100% hindu native Tamil population is getting ethnically cleansed in the so called newly liberated east. As rewards fo their anti Tamil and Hindu services the Sinhalas have allowed these Tamil Muslims to change many ancient Tamil HIndu place manes like Sivapuram Pillyaradi to ArafatNagar and Saddam Hussein City. etc Very soon we may have Musharaffbad adn BinLaden city too. wihthe encouragement of the SriLankan government Saudi and Pakistani govt has opened many madrassas in the East.
RE:RE:India for Indians
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 10, 2008 06:40 PM Permalink
What are your thoughts regarding this. The LTTE did not ant a repeat of this in the Tamil North that was the reason that they packed of all the Tamil Muslims from the North. What they didn may be or may not be correct but they did want an Islamic third force fighting for the Sinhalas. The Tamil Muslims who mainly came as refugees ( after the fal of Tippu Sultan ) and as traders from South India. 2/3 of them live amongst the Sinhalas and 1/3 of them amongst the native Tamils. They moved in to the Tamil East to escape persecution from the Portuguese. In sri Lanka there is deep suspicion and distrust between these largely South Indian origin slightly Arab mixed Muslim Tamils and the native HIndu/Christian Tamils and I think this is what our friend Mohammaed Islamul is reflecting as these Tamil Muslims still have family ties with these South Indian Tamil Muslims.