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RE:India for Indians
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 10, 2008 06:26 PM

Mohammaed Islamul teh Tamil Muslims in Sri Lanka are mainly of south Indian origin with a dash of Arab blood in them. They speak a peculiar dialect of Tamil. However they do not want to identify themsleves as Tamils ( unlik eth Chrisitian and Hindu Tamils), They even deny their Tamil Hindu heritage but sem ot be only identifying themselves and state that they are all descended from Arabs( only areound 5 to 105 of them may have a distant Arab ancestor . the rest are of pure Tamil descent) they are very pro Oakistan and Saudi . They have openly sided with the Sinhalese and many times have joined Sinhlas mobs to dstroy Tamil Hindu and Christian homes and detroy HIndu temples. They have joined with the Sinhalas in the Tamil east. Both have conspired to chase the native ondgenopus HIndu Tamils out of the area. However there is going to be trouble later as the these Tamil Muslims ant the east to be Isalmic and the Sinhalas wnat it for them. This will be a very interesting tussle meanwhile the almost 100% hindu native Tamil population is getting ethnically cleansed in the so called newly liberated east. As rewards fo their anti Tamil and Hindu services the Sinhalas have allowed these Tamil Muslims to change many ancient Tamil HIndu place manes like Sivapuram Pillyaradi to ArafatNagar and Saddam Hussein City. etc Very soon we may have Musharaffbad adn BinLaden city too. wihthe encouragement of the SriLankan government Saudi and Pakistani govt has opened many madrassas in the East.

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