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RE:RE:RE:India for Indians
by prabancha RAMASWAMY on Mar 10, 2008 03:43 PM

Mohammed you are right in saying what LTTE is doing and had done. They have done lot a bad in India even they killed Padmnabha in Chennai and as well our own Rajiv Gandhi in Sriperumbudur. People who are saying that they are followers of Indira and Rajiv are still supporting a party which support LTTE always. What they have in paper to say about this, I would request Mr. Veera Kumar to answer this and to Mr.Mohammed atleast he is open to show his view.

Its not upper caste and lower caste which decide who we want, its your national thinking and support to the national anthem which make you full and live in this world. jai hind, Bharat Mata ki Jai, Vazhka Bharatham, Valarka Nam makkal


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LTTE chief makes public appearance