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India for Indians
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 03:22 PM

Jai Hind. Bharat Maata ki Jay.
People of TN are against LTTE tamils. it doesnt matter whether im a muslim or christian or hindu.

we are against killing innocent people which LTTE has done repeatedly. in south india, we have a resolution not to support LTTE
By killing our national leaders, LTTE has lost whatever sympathy it had in Tamilnadu people

Organisations like DMK, PMK and politicians are supporting LTTE for selling govt kerosene, Ration rice, and stealing PDS goods to fatten their pockets

Even the sethu samudram project is for carrying more goods to srilanka LTTE... they are tired of carrying by small boats... so they want to use big ships to carry India's PDS produce to Srilanka and make their pockets bigger

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LTTE chief makes public appearance