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Love each other
by Job KK on Aug 05, 2008 04:03 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

What we have gained as a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Love each other and live in peace.

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  RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:16 PM   Permalink
Only hindus understand this concept. The Christians and Muslims are only interested in the numbers game and they want to increase the count of beleivers by hook or by crook.

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  RE:Love each other
by galilio on Aug 05, 2008 04:41 PM   Permalink
virus in air will attack fruits/vegitables to condaminate it.hindus will throw out spoilt fruits and offer fresh fruits as prasadam to our god as hinduism is full of science.

christianity will attack weak human bodies who
are weak in physical and financial.they will contaminate them with corrupt mind, becouse
christians would take the dead bodies inside the church to offer prayer to their blood sheding god to wash the sins of condamination and spoilt items like corpse is
well acceptable to them inside their prayer is far away to their mind.

let christians follow the practice of hinduism
in hygenic and prayer methods first rather than
spoiling the minds of weak hindus with conversion agenda of soul harvesting.copying
from hinduism is not new to christianity.

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  RE:Love each other
by Truly Indian on Aug 05, 2008 04:48 PM   Permalink
Christians are only 2.34% and we Hindus say that Christians are converting. We Hindus are getting converted to Islam of late it seems. Muslim count is getting on increasing. Lets not get converted to Christianity, better opt for Islam.

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  RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:52 PM   Permalink
Yes, convert to Islam and blow yourself up "in the cause of Allah" for an assured entry into the Paradise stocked with abundant supply of "wine, women, water, fruits, etc"!!!!!!!!

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  RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:59 PM   Permalink

Your earlier comment does not have a REPLY button. That is why I am replying here.

You have tangentially skidded off the main topic. I can only assume why.

As regards Chapman Cohen's assertion, I fully subscribe to that. I should it highly foolish the person who would cling on to the savage idea of fire drill when modern means are open.

But in my short years of earthly life, I have been through some of the most frightful experiences and have have come out singularly unscathed. There have been no scientific explanations for the same. And as Chapman Cohen says, there exists for me still the raison d'etre to continue believeing in one who gives me a peace which no earthly power can give, well, at least till now!

And as for his statement that "no amount of apologizing can make up for the absence of genuine knowledge, nor can the flow of the finest eloquence do aught but clothe in regal raiment the body of a corpse", I can only reply thus:

You used your eloquence to tarnish
one who cannot be tarnished.
But now in dismay, find that eloquence is aught.
t'is pity you desire, empathy, water,
Ah, but maybe the raiment the corpse,
But find none forthcoming.

And the sin/crime that Adam and Eve committed, was to break the fellowship with God. Having died and risen, Jesus gives humanity the path back to that communion.

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  RE:Love each other
by Upurs on Aug 05, 2008 04:25 PM   Permalink
i second ur comment dude...

all they want is NUMBERS...

see muslims, they want numbers by the multiplication factor
And christians they go by the conversion factor..

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  RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 04:37 PM   Permalink
Nobody understands this concept. If anybody did, they would already be Christians. And I am not talking about number crunching variety of Christians, but Christ-ians. The day Hindus learned to love one another, the whole country would be Christian.

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  RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 04:39 PM   Permalink
Are there any such "Christians" any where in the world? What have you to say about the tussle between "Bawa" and "Metran" in Kerala? Are they not Christians??

And of course we do not beleive that all the entry tickets to heven are in the hands of one person! End of the story.

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  RE:Love each other
by Aby Koshy on Aug 05, 2008 05:02 PM   Permalink
Yes, there are Christians like that in the world. And you think that "Bawas" and "Metrans" are Christians. Some may be. But most certainly are not. If they are honest, they will accept it themselves. And that is why they are accepted in Christianity. We are all human, with human weaknesses and frailties. And we derive our strength from the Almighty. (Remember the dead jew on the stick, that's Him. Fortunately for you, he arose). And we certainly believe that the entry tickets to heaven are in the hands of one person. And it pleases him to decide whom to give and whom not to give. Nowhere in the Bible is it written that Christians (neither the number crunching variety, nor the Christ-ians) get automatic entry to heaven. It is His grace that gives us the sense of freedom. And therefore we accept the Great Commission - that of going and preaching the Good News of salvation to all. We will speak. You may hear. And it is totally upto you whether you decide to convert or not. And if somebody offers you inducements to convert, show me his ass, I will kick his bum in before you get your chance.

And THAT is the end of story.

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  RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 05:16 PM   Permalink
He arose and went to his father in heaven! Then where is the question of his dying for some sin or crime purported to have been committed by Adam and Eve?

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  RE:Love each other
by JGN on Aug 05, 2008 05:10 PM   Permalink
Chapman Cohen, in his "Theism or Atheism," clearly states: "We know that man does not discover God, he invents him, and an invention is properly discarded when a better instrument is forthcoming. To-day, the hypothesis of God stands in just the same relation to the better life of to-day as the fire drill of the savage does to the modern method of obtaining a light. The belief in God may continue awhile in virtue of the lack of intelligence of some, of the carelessness of others, and of the conservative character of the mass. But no amount of apologizing can make up for the absence of genuine knowledge, nor can the flow of the finest eloquence do aught but clothe in regal raiment the body of a corpse."

Religion arose as a means of explanation of natural phenomena at a time when no other explanation of the origin of natural phenomena had been ascertained. God is always what Spinoza called it, "the asylum of ignorance. “When causes are unknown, God is brought forward; when causes are known, God retires into the background. In an age of ignorance, God is active; in an age of science, he is impotent. History attests this fact.

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  RE:Love each other
by Bharat Kr on Aug 05, 2008 05:53 PM   Permalink
JGN. Well said. Only a Hindu can think that way. Hindus want to live peaceful way, no matter what the way of worship one follows. But two aggressive cults called Chrisitanity and Muhamedism will not allow others to live. They want all follow their way of living. Else, get killed. They are not spirituality, they are aggressive political ideology.

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Bible with reference to Hindu scriptures