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Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Sincere Citizen on Jun 18, 2007 12:24 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The common man (not the rich ones) in Pakistan and Afghanistan and POK are being given a liberal dose of anti-India , anti world venom. Every Maulvi of every conceivable Islamic faith is preaching killing,looting and arson. The result is a highly militant younger generation which has been totally brainwashed into believing that all killing is ok.
These people have no respect for life, in fact even if one of their friends of today decides to experiment with some other religion tomorrow they wont hesitate to kill him.
Religion is being used as a deadly intoxicant to brainwah them and kill any logical humane thinking.
A similar tendency exists in all militant groups like Bajrang Dal(Hindu), Dot Busters (Christians), the SS of Hitler.
In case of Islam the monster is now uncontrollable and there just isnt any sane voice strong enough to oppose the fanatics of Islam.
The major problem with Pakistan is to what will it do with its majority poor , killer population fed on religious venom. If there is no authority to control it it would be free for all and a nuisance for India too.

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by parameswaran narayan on Jun 18, 2007 07:34 PM   Permalink
It is good that whatever policy Pakistan is following continue to follow for another 10-20 years. Finally poverty & other internal problems will be so big & thick that people will fight with each other for survival & Pakistan will vanish of its own though India may have to loose less than 0.1 percent of its GDP.
The only point to worry is the support they get economically from some contries.If it stops Pakistan will face very difficult situations for its own survival..

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Yaqoot Mir on Jun 18, 2007 08:25 PM   Permalink
Wow, keep dreaming buddy vanish on its own the kind of time frames you have in mind I would be open to some Indian states declaring independence up north by then and the Indian bangla region merging with bangladesh if not completety at least more than 75%. Worry about your problems d ont bother about us too much, pakistan is no nepal or Sri-lanka where you can have fun. relax concentrate on coming up with software products that benifit less than 10% of your population by very liberal estimates, other than that, no difference between you and pakistan buddy, the only difference is U are a democracy we are not, to the common man thats means nothing more than a RATS ASS, fake GDP figures, individual incomes rising is a bunch of croak in your country and ours, take 2 people one makes 10,000 the other 100,000 whats the average? 50,000 u think 50,000 is the average even over 2 people. Truth is 15% of people in both India and Pakistan make 99% of the money while the poor man thinks about where to find his/her third meal ( if you can call what he/she east a meal ). Truth is 75% of the people in India and Pakistan east sub standard food products, tainted milk is consumed, truth is the fancy advances in medical tech in both countries is accessaible to only 1% of the populace. Talk about eliminating Pakistan worry about your country and try and get out of the rut first them think about attacking and eliminating another, the US can do it for now, let them be the assholes, India is no US a

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by on Jul 30, 2007 10:56 AM   Permalink ki spellings EAT hoti hai...EAST nahi....go back to Qazi ji...

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by parameswaran narayan on Jun 19, 2007 03:50 PM   Permalink
Please go through some reality check.Just dont follow what your government or Maulavi says. Do some reality check.Even now if you try to follow the right track it will take 30years to reach somewhere close to india.It is easy to distroy but difficult to build any thing & everything.

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Vijay on Jun 19, 2007 04:27 AM   Permalink
Dude there is one more difference between India and Pakistan. Have and Have nots... We Have it, you dont. Thats why you hate us, but thats not going to stop us. You live on alms that come from Saudi, We work hard and live well. For next 10 yrs you guys keep supporting the priests for their militant activities, we will keep pushing our politicians for growth and development. Lets see what happens :)

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Akshay Bhatt on Jun 19, 2007 01:34 AM   Permalink
Lo Behold another maniac...from ala Pakistan...Mir you live in a fool's paradise. India doesnt have as much big problem as you describe. and Pakistan doesnt have as much small problem as you describe.
The only difference is that India has a democracy and you dont have, which doesnt mean anything to common say..
>> It means everything. It's people's problem that they dont exercise the power that they have. You dont even have that. LOL... But yes it makes a lot of difference to the common man because of democracy. Those whom we perceive as powerless( common man) in democracy are the ones who hold the real power. They are the ones who turn the tide in democracy not in Dictatorship. Hope you got the point. Stop hating India. You and your likes have cut a part from it to create your land/country. Beggars should always be grateful to those who give them alms.
Love you dude...

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  RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Munish Raizada,MD on Jun 19, 2007 04:57 AM   Permalink
Hi Parameswaran and Akshay:

The words of Yakoot Mir (probably from Pakistan) do carry some sensibliity. "Pak vanishing on its own" is a wishful thinking (we Indians are adept at such dreams, having returned from Lahore in 1971 empty -handed though!!!). The fact is that Pak will always be supported by some countries to counter-act India, namely USA or even China. Pak's problems are grave, but India has its own problems, and one of them is the persisitence of Hindu-Muslim divide in our country ( I donot see any solution to that) and our inability to implement a really secular polity. We have to consolidate our democracy by weeding out pseudo-secular practices. Secondly we need to have a peaceful and stable Pakistan, howsoever impractical and bitter it may look! India cannot become a real super-power with unstable and increasingly intolerant Pakistan and Bangladesh! Now what can we do in this regard: answers are not easy, but engaging them through political talks and negotiations may offer some solution. Though I am under no illusions that differences are there,and issues like terrorism and Jehad look irremedial yet there is no point in continue to sustain the hatred among Indian "Hindus" and Pakistani "Muslims" as it will not be beneficial for neither in a long-term.


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No way to treat Pakistan