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RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Yaqoot Mir on Jun 18, 2007 08:25 PM

Wow, keep dreaming buddy vanish on its own the kind of time frames you have in mind I would be open to some Indian states declaring independence up north by then and the Indian bangla region merging with bangladesh if not completety at least more than 75%. Worry about your problems d ont bother about us too much, pakistan is no nepal or Sri-lanka where you can have fun. relax concentrate on coming up with software products that benifit less than 10% of your population by very liberal estimates, other than that, no difference between you and pakistan buddy, the only difference is U are a democracy we are not, to the common man thats means nothing more than a RATS ASS, fake GDP figures, individual incomes rising is a bunch of croak in your country and ours, take 2 people one makes 10,000 the other 100,000 whats the average? 50,000 u think 50,000 is the average even over 2 people. Truth is 15% of people in both India and Pakistan make 99% of the money while the poor man thinks about where to find his/her third meal ( if you can call what he/she east a meal ). Truth is 75% of the people in India and Pakistan east sub standard food products, tainted milk is consumed, truth is the fancy advances in medical tech in both countries is accessaible to only 1% of the populace. Talk about eliminating Pakistan worry about your country and try and get out of the rut first them think about attacking and eliminating another, the US can do it for now, let them be the assholes, India is no US a

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No way to treat Pakistan