The common man (not the rich ones) in Pakistan and Afghanistan and POK are being given a liberal dose of anti-India , anti world venom. Every Maulvi of every conceivable Islamic faith is preaching killing,looting and arson. The result is a highly militant younger generation which has been totally brainwashed into believing that all killing is ok. These people have no respect for life, in fact even if one of their friends of today decides to experiment with some other religion tomorrow they wont hesitate to kill him. Religion is being used as a deadly intoxicant to brainwah them and kill any logical humane thinking. A similar tendency exists in all militant groups like Bajrang Dal(Hindu), Dot Busters (Christians), the SS of Hitler. In case of Islam the monster is now uncontrollable and there just isnt any sane voice strong enough to oppose the fanatics of Islam. The major problem with Pakistan is to what will it do with its majority poor , killer population fed on religious venom. If there is no authority to control it it would be free for all and a nuisance for India too.