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RE:Religion an intoxicant in Pakistan
by Akshay Bhatt on Jun 19, 2007 01:34 AM

Lo Behold another maniac...from ala Pakistan...Mir you live in a fool's paradise. India doesnt have as much big problem as you describe. and Pakistan doesnt have as much small problem as you describe.
The only difference is that India has a democracy and you dont have, which doesnt mean anything to common say..
>> It means everything. It's people's problem that they dont exercise the power that they have. You dont even have that. LOL... But yes it makes a lot of difference to the common man because of democracy. Those whom we perceive as powerless( common man) in democracy are the ones who hold the real power. They are the ones who turn the tide in democracy not in Dictatorship. Hope you got the point. Stop hating India. You and your likes have cut a part from it to create your land/country. Beggars should always be grateful to those who give them alms.
Love you dude...

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No way to treat Pakistan