Let this column be a message to all of rediff's Pakistani readers, who cannot think beyond India. The fact is that an India-Pakistan dispute will be used by the US-Russia-China to fight their own small battles. We have but a golden chance to emerge as the fourth power if we unite into a EU-style confederation, if you dont like the word reunification. If we keep fighting with each other the theatre of action will shift from Afghanistan and Iran to much beyond. And both India and China will be wooed and kicked in turn by each of these big powers. Wake up... Dont be a pawn in this new game. Pakistan has access to central Asian oil and India to water. Think of what will come out of this combination, if we leave religion aside.
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by rakesh choubey on Jun 15, 2007 09:06 PM Permalink
hope the pakistan people are reading it,,but this movement by CJI of pak is going to be curbed soon...
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by on Jun 16, 2007 04:09 AM Permalink
Ragavan jee. We agree...but but but...to show good faith, give us the rest of Kashmir BEFORE we liberate it, and Manvanagar (Pakistani territory) , Junagarh (Pakistani territory) and Kutch, as well as Gurdaspus and Ferozepur. Don't forget to withdraw from Sir Creek and Siachen. Also give us the percentage of treasury, gold and monies due to us from 1947.
Surely 10 years of peace after that, and everything is possible!
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by Sam on Jun 16, 2007 11:01 PM Permalink
Keep begging more from India. Never knew that Jihadis had become beggers. We have already given enough to u guys in 47. not interested in giving more..shoo begger get out of the way.
Uncle Bush, Chiarman Jintao is there go and beg to them....ha ha ha see the fate of the jihadists they are reduced to begging to capitalists and communists
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by Akshay Bhatt on Jun 19, 2007 02:11 AM Permalink
See sridhar raghavan, the moment you give them a different option of peace and brotherhood, they drop down to their levels and start begging. Once and for all Pakistan should be conquered and defeated as in the past and should be made aware of their stand. Seems they forget the lessons of the past and want to repeat the history. This Paki wants some parts of India. We should ask for Pakistan as a whole since it was a part of India just 6 decades ago.
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by on Jul 30, 2007 11:02 AM Permalink
so when are you coming down to delhi to take all this.....and do bring a couple of camels to carry all this.... oh yeah....go take bangladesh....its not just your territory but a frigging 40% of your total territory.... love...to pakis..
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by sridhar raghavan chari on Jun 16, 2007 11:17 AM Permalink
I haven't known a more pompous person than you. don't you understand that the very existence of your country is at stake if you continue being the US's pawn. Iam not talking about any peace in exchange for land deal. In case you missed out on the point, Iam talking of a de facto reunification between the two countries in which all borders and indeed all conflict is redundant. Hope you understand and finally do be courteous enough to mention you name when you reply.
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by Shankar Panday on Jun 17, 2007 12:37 AM Permalink
Yours is a recipe for suicide & disaster...Pakis are avowed jihadists as of now...its a generation gone wrong..they cant even tolerate fellow Shias, Kadianis, Ismailies etc and you expect Pakis gonna tolerate your Ganpathy worshipping kafir ass??? no way buddy, India is better off without those goons..remember even Arab Muslims & Christians cant get along in Lebanon, Greek & Turks dont get along in a little island called Cyprus...a tiny country of 3.5 million (a quarter of Karachi city for crying out loud goshhhhh!!!)called Israel is not tolerated for 60 years and been sworn to drive into the Mediterannean no less...and you think de facto reunification of India & Pakistan will do any good?? are you crazy??? no way buddy...the only way anything peaceful will come is when the Islamic religious fervor is replaced with rational thinking..possible if religion is displaced from state affairs, text books & schools are secularized etc..till then stay away from Pakis, enjoy their ghazals & the pretty women that are send once in a while !!
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by Ahimsa on Jun 18, 2007 11:20 PM Permalink
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by Sumit Dutta on Jun 16, 2007 11:13 AM Permalink
Pakistan army in the guise of mountain tribes entered Kashmor in 47' and captured part of Kashmir before being forced to withdraw by the Indian army;they would've captured kashmir thanks to the betrayal of the muslim border regiment of Maharajah's army.These tribes(actually pak army) got busy raping kashmiri women in baramulla and wasted precious hours making it possible for Maj. Somnath Sharma to defend Srinagar airport.Pak army's adventures were repeated in 65', Kargil,etc. You try to capture Indian territory, lose in the battle end up giving 1-2 army posts that's not India's fault? and how do u expect India to return these outposts? these lands are the price Pakistan paid for attacking India.Regarding percentage of treasury,gold and monies ...we'll give you your due provided you take all quasi paki muslims from India.When we see we have only patriotic muslims left in our country,we'll witness a sharp fall in terrorist activities and then we'll talk peace
RE:Think Pakistanis think
by ravikiran on Jun 20, 2007 01:33 PM Permalink
You must be joking!! Paki Army Liberating Kahsmir!! Forgot Kargil. How could you guys be so shameless? As for giving you percentage of treasury, that proves for 60 years you pakis have been no good with a rogue incompetent army, now you come back to India to beg. What a life you guys lead.