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Think Pakistanis think
by sridhar raghavan chari on Jun 15, 2007 06:55 PM

Let this column be a message to all of rediff's Pakistani readers, who cannot think beyond India. The fact is that an India-Pakistan dispute will be used by the US-Russia-China to fight their own small battles. We have but a golden chance to emerge as the fourth power if we unite into a EU-style confederation, if you dont like the word reunification. If we keep fighting with each other the theatre of action will shift from Afghanistan and Iran to much beyond. And both India and China will be wooed and kicked in turn by each of these big powers. Wake up... Dont be a pawn in this new game. Pakistan has access to central Asian oil and India to water. Think of what will come out of this combination, if we leave religion aside.

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No way to treat Pakistan