Pakistan army in the guise of mountain tribes entered Kashmor in 47' and captured part of Kashmir before being forced to withdraw by the Indian army;they would've captured kashmir thanks to the betrayal of the muslim border regiment of Maharajah's army.These tribes(actually pak army) got busy raping kashmiri women in baramulla and wasted precious hours making it possible for Maj. Somnath Sharma to defend Srinagar airport.Pak army's adventures were repeated in 65', Kargil,etc. You try to capture Indian territory, lose in the battle end up giving 1-2 army posts that's not India's fault? and how do u expect India to return these outposts? these lands are the price Pakistan paid for attacking India.Regarding percentage of treasury,gold and monies ...we'll give you your due provided you take all quasi paki muslims from India.When we see we have only patriotic muslims left in our country,we'll witness a sharp fall in terrorist activities and then we'll talk peace