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RE:Think Pakistanis think
by Shankar Panday on Jun 17, 2007 12:37 AM

Yours is a recipe for suicide & disaster...Pakis are avowed jihadists as of now...its a generation gone wrong..they cant even tolerate fellow Shias, Kadianis, Ismailies etc and you expect Pakis gonna tolerate your Ganpathy worshipping kafir ass??? no way buddy, India is better off without those goons..remember even Arab Muslims & Christians cant get along in Lebanon, Greek & Turks dont get along in a little island called Cyprus...a tiny country of 3.5 million (a quarter of Karachi city for crying out loud goshhhhh!!!)called Israel is not tolerated for 60 years and been sworn to drive into the Mediterannean no less...and you think de facto reunification of India & Pakistan will do any good?? are you crazy??? no way buddy...the only way anything peaceful will come is when the Islamic religious fervor is replaced with rational thinking..possible if religion is displaced from state affairs, text books & schools are secularized etc..till then stay away from Pakis, enjoy their ghazals & the pretty women that are send once in a while !!

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No way to treat Pakistan