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List of people who were found guilty
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 09:48 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The following names: Are they islamic? if they are not islamic names, does this mean that there is a Hindu support for 1993 blast? Surya Kanishka, Do you have point to make out?

S N Thapa, former additional customs collector, preventive - Guilty of conspiracy. He got information about the landing at Shekhadi and that the main exit point could be in Mhasla Shrivardhan area. He laid a trap at Purarphata on Mhasla-Goregaon road on January 30. Besides that, his team gave up the vigil after February 2 in spite of the warnings. However, the CBI has asked for lesser sentence as he suffers from cancer
R K Singh, Former assistant commissioner of customs,convicted for facilitating RDX landing in Shekhadi after accepting bribe of more than
7.8 lakh Rupees - Had meetings with the accused.
Jaywant Gurav former customs inspector.-Convicted for allowing passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
S S Talwadekar, former customs superintendent.
Convicted for allowing passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
Vijay Patil, ex police sub-inspector
* Guilty of conspiracy and taking bribe to allow passage of RDX from Raigad to Mumbai
* Has been sentenced to life imprisonment and 1 lakh rupees fine by TADA court on 22 May 2007
Ashok Muleshwar, P M Mahadik, Ramesh Mali, S Y Palshikar; Police Constables
* Guilty of allowing passage of RDX of arms from Raigad to Mumbai.All four sentenced by TADA court to six years' imprisonment and a fine of Rs 25,000 each on May 21,2007

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Kaushik Das on Jul 27, 2007 10:05 PM   Permalink
So, what are you trying to point out?
That islam and muslims are not responsible?
Corruption is another thing and religious intolerance is another, boss. these guys you name were corrupt and did not have morals. they did not have any agenda of harming any community or nation because they do not realise the meaning of community or nation. they live in their selfish worlds.

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Karthik on Jul 27, 2007 10:48 PM   Permalink
My point is , this topic should not be made as a RELIGIOUS debate, instead it is more political, Shiv Sena is one of the main culprit!! Who destroyed Babri Masjid? I am a Human who cannot tolerate killings of innocent humans for their purpose, this is my hatred for Hindus or muslims...or watever religion it may be!!

mr.bhatkar ahamed : You get emotional when you type!! dont do that..this is not an emotional debate...taking in to consideration of involvement of LET n JEM, people presume that this is Islamic Jihad, but TRUTH is not revealed or unknown..We cant come to any conclusion by a bogus report..But one thing: The actual cause of this act is to blame those people who destroyed Babri masjid!!

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by Vikas on Jul 28, 2007 01:19 AM   Permalink
well said

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  RE:RE:List of people who were found guilty
by hitanshu shah on Jul 28, 2007 10:54 AM   Permalink
you are misunderstanding by thinking that ur blood is just considered as water, actually it is consider as the dirty rotton peice of garbage and before it gets worst, pack your bags and leave this country......

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by rakesh raina on Jul 28, 2007 04:22 PM   Permalink
u people are basically illegal. That is a truth which u know privately. Cross breed people always try to destabilise the society and the world at large. And thats what is happening.

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by manoj purohit on Jul 28, 2007 01:48 AM   Permalink
how does cast make any difference Mr.Bhatkar.hindu or muslim,terrorist is why are you arguing who should be hanged and who should not you intend to imply that these people are muslims,and muslims are being targeted and this hon'justice has given them capital punishment based on there cast?don't you see that they have done crime against humanity....?

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by vijaykumar vk on Jul 28, 2007 02:10 AM   Permalink
When a Kafir(Hindu) die all the Muslims feel happy and when a Muslim dies not all the Hindus are Happy.Reality;The same blood of a Hindu is water In Pakistan.I dont support any brutel act on a fellow nation Muslims.Punish all the terrorists in the same way.Dont spare Sunjay Dutt too.RDX financed by Hawala money.Landed in Kerala state.There is no Khomani or saddam to say no to Dollors$ or Ponds.
PS;Let the things continue.At least we need not bother about Gas or LKG admission for the child.Please Put such RDX which will not spare any Hindu on this earth.Long live only Muslims.

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  RE:List of people who were found guilty
by debajyoti maulik on Jul 28, 2007 07:05 AM   Permalink
Mr. bhatkar ahamed, where are you from? Kindly mention the name of Madrassa where you were taught that Humanism is nothing but Islamism is everything. The above people were pawns of the game played by those Memons. Those people worked for money..Memons worked for religion. One such person in the society produces to hundreds of such pawns. Those people have to be removed from the society first. Judge P D Kode has definitely done the right thing...a sciety cant run by some religious feelings.

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Memons' sentence over in 40 mts