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Talibanisation of India
by Amol on Feb 27, 2007 02:40 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Everywhere in the world, Extremism is rewarded but only for a small period of time. Ahmedenijads victory in Iran or Hamas victory in Palestine shows this trend. But now in the various elections taking place in Iran, Ahmedenijad is no where in picture.Palestinians have also lost faith in Hamas and hence now the Govt of both parties together is put in place.

The Indian extremist party, BJP, will also enjoy this honeymoon period for few days. The people will realise the true colour of these people and show them their place very soon. Creating hatred against other religions and making minority people live a life in continuous fear, raping nuns, burning people of other religion, massacring the innocents, all these things will come back soon and will become the order of the day under BJP's rule. BJP and their organisations like RSS, VHP & Bajrang Dal will enjoy these fascist methods for now. But in longer run, these people will take this country to barbarism, the same way Taliban did for Afghanistan. So this is a sort of Talibanisation of India.

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  RE:Talibanisation of India
by Manpreet Saini on Feb 27, 2007 02:59 PM   Permalink
we have seen what BJP had done with Babri Masjid not very different from what the taliban did to the buddha statues at bamiyan they way they create problem during valentine's day and against any movies which are supposed to be a work of ART is just like the forced morality thrusted by the taliban .. i say why are we looking at afhjanistan middle east j&k hey the trouble makers are here right under our noses .Its about time that people with some sanity left should realise how to show the door to such extremist parties

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  RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Jas Sand on Feb 28, 2007 03:35 PM   Permalink
"Sanity" and "Left" never go together Mr. Saini. - and please get your facts right .. even Muslim and Communist Organizations protested agaist V day

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  RE:Talibanisation of India
by Kashi Akhoon on Feb 27, 2007 03:17 PM   Permalink
Please try to understand your duties towards India if you are a citizen of it.I understand you are a beneficery of unholy nexus of Congress & Lefttists or some other anti india organisation. Please feel free You need not worry and leave all the ill connections /antisocial activities and be a good indian. Leave all these illusions which generelly are held by terrorists and jahadis.
I wish you to enjoy fruits of freeness by living in India a Hindu tolerant country

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  RE:Talibanisation of India
by anand yni on Feb 27, 2007 02:47 PM   Permalink
Thanks for your purely personal opinion. Remember the saying, "Every Dog Has His day?" BJP & co are having their time now that has nothing to do with your forecast. Best of Luck!!

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  RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Tushar on Feb 27, 2007 03:38 PM   Permalink
I really wish that rediff had such bolg when
Aurangzeb, Noh. Gaznavi were there ruling in India.. more such posts we had seen from ppl like Amol...

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  RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 06:43 PM   Permalink
Don't forget there were many people fighting against Aurangzeb and others.

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  RE:Talibanisation of India
by Shankar Balarathinam Eppoor on Feb 27, 2007 05:01 PM   Permalink
Dear Amol,
Well Said. Even during the Godhra carnage, the so called secularists and english media like you had said / shown and written mnay a concocted stories, but nothing could be proved till date. At the same time, people like you are not bothered for the burning of hindus. Is hindus's life are so cheap?. If the socalled nuns and fathers and the Christian Missionaries in India behave in a proper manner, then this is the only safe country in the entire world. Please do not throw stones from glass house. Can you prove how many nuns were raped by BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal etc? People like you have deserted the Mother religion for a few dollars, thrown as alms from the westerners and embraced Christianity. Dont blaber.

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  RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Amol on Feb 27, 2007 05:13 PM   Permalink
My dear Shankar,

I am as much Hindu as anybody here. Please get rid of the cobwebs in your mind about other religions. The way you write, you can not call yourself a Hindu. By saying I am a Hindu and a tolerant Hindu, you can not become one. You need to show it in your deeds and the way you look at others. If at all, you can be labelled as extremist, a fundamentalist which will eventually lead you to become a terrorist.

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  RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Jas Sand on Feb 28, 2007 03:45 PM   Permalink
Amol, you have typed and we have read enough. Now listen to us.

Your own congress and communist parties committed many more crimes than the BJP - the difference is that while BJP did everything openly, your pals chose the other way ..

Next - NOBODY NEEDS YOUR CERTIFICATE ON BEING A HINDU .. GOT IT? You are nobody to define Hinduism!

If you can type nonsense just becuase you have a keyboard in your hands, others can do the same ...

and one mroe thing - when People like you burned women and children at Godhra, the others promptly responded by doing the same and when your celebrations (while Godhra Victims were burning) turned sore, you turned crybabies and started talking about Minoroties, Protection, Human Rights and Blah Blah! DONT YOU THINK A FEW OTHERS IF NOT MANY, UNDERSTAND THESE POLITICAL GAMES?

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  RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Kishore Babu TVN on Feb 27, 2007 05:45 PM   Permalink
Dear Amol,
Go to Pak/Bangla or atleast to kashmir and Pl come back safely.Pl dont forget to say to locals that u r secular HIndhu . Then lest continue the discussion who is doding what.HAve guts all the best.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Ashish Chaskar on Feb 27, 2007 06:04 PM   Permalink
Mr. Kishore,

Do you want to create same situation in India? Shame, what you are comparing ourselves with!!

I think we should compare ourselves with developed countries and not failed countries like Pakistand, Bangaladesh who even can not have proper democracy.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Nikhil P on Feb 27, 2007 11:14 PM   Permalink
we don't want to create another paki or bangla in india and that is why we need bjp here. so stop disrespecting those who don't agree with you. This is a democracy.

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  RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by yadav on Feb 28, 2007 06:00 AM   Permalink
Its disgisting to see the comments of idiotic people like Amol and see any of muslim and christians critisizing their organizations. How many muslims supported the hanging of Afzal.95% of them were written in support of pardon or re-investigation. It is the stupid mentality of be-good and so-called secular hindus that makes things easy for other people.What these people say about J&K passing Shariat law bill, why these idiots ignore the train burning when they talk about Gujarat.why these idiots ignore that no body was doing namaz at babri maszid. killing of hindus in pakistan at partition time, ethnic clinsing of hindus in Kashmir, bangladesh. Remeber BJP came to existanve in 1980s. There were riots in India since 1947 and more than 90% of them started by muslims. Why indian property is burnt when Saddam is hanged ot some thing happens in some muslim country. Hindu extremism is the result of minority appeasing and minority extremism.I wish these people suffer what millions of hindus suffered in the hands of muslims since hundreds of years. Is congress-muslim league alliance in Kerala not communal..? Congress and Communists supporting madani is not communal..? Rajeev Gandhi opened the babri gates and made it controversial.Congress politics are the reason for terrerism in punjab, kashmir and north-east. Shut up secular idiots and respect the people's verdict.Not every body is idiot like u guys.

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  RE:RE:RE:Talibanisation of India
by Ranga Krishnan on Feb 28, 2007 06:22 PM   Permalink
By Dear Amol,
I am sorry to consider you as a True Hindu. Mere name is not enough.

I wish to tell you some thing from the Eternal %u201CBAGHAVAT GEETHA%u201D. My dear boy, %u201C Spectator of an Injustice is more than the Perpetrator of the same. To do justice never bother about your adversary and even if the enemy happened to be your brother, finish him off in order to provide Justice%u201D. That%u2019s what The Holy Geetha preaches and that is what a true Hindu has to follow.

Tell me my boy that who are the persons behind the bomb blasts in the world including India, for past 25 yrs. No doubt all the perpetrators are Muslims and the Kurta Pakistanis supported all of them. No doubt I agree Violence is not acceptable but at the same time Ahimsa is not the order of the day. Hindus never attack any one, but what is wrong in retaliation. In Gujarat first the Hindus were attacked then after that what had happened is history and that is why now Gujarat is free from any Bomb blast. Long live Narendra Modi and I wish to see him as the Prime Minister Of our Holy Bharath

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  RE:Talibanisation of India
by bora reddy on Feb 27, 2007 02:52 PM   Permalink
While critisisng BJP Mr. Amol forgot to mention the unholy Tie - up between the Secular Congress and Super Secular Muslim -league,Jamat-e-Islami and Muslim Congress in Kerala and Islamic Parties in Assam to win Elections even at the cost of the National Interest. Hope you will not compare RSS etc. SIMI.

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