Its disgisting to see the comments of idiotic people like Amol and see any of muslim and christians critisizing their organizations. How many muslims supported the hanging of Afzal.95% of them were written in support of pardon or re-investigation. It is the stupid mentality of be-good and so-called secular hindus that makes things easy for other people.What these people say about J&K passing Shariat law bill, why these idiots ignore the train burning when they talk about Gujarat.why these idiots ignore that no body was doing namaz at babri maszid. killing of hindus in pakistan at partition time, ethnic clinsing of hindus in Kashmir, bangladesh. Remeber BJP came to existanve in 1980s. There were riots in India since 1947 and more than 90% of them started by muslims. Why indian property is burnt when Saddam is hanged ot some thing happens in some muslim country. Hindu extremism is the result of minority appeasing and minority extremism.I wish these people suffer what millions of hindus suffered in the hands of muslims since hundreds of years. Is congress-muslim league alliance in Kerala not communal..? Congress and Communists supporting madani is not communal..? Rajeev Gandhi opened the babri gates and made it controversial.Congress politics are the reason for terrerism in punjab, kashmir and north-east. Shut up secular idiots and respect the people's verdict.Not every body is idiot like u guys.