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Talibanisation of India
by Amol on Feb 27, 2007 02:40 PM

Everywhere in the world, Extremism is rewarded but only for a small period of time. Ahmedenijads victory in Iran or Hamas victory in Palestine shows this trend. But now in the various elections taking place in Iran, Ahmedenijad is no where in picture.Palestinians have also lost faith in Hamas and hence now the Govt of both parties together is put in place.

The Indian extremist party, BJP, will also enjoy this honeymoon period for few days. The people will realise the true colour of these people and show them their place very soon. Creating hatred against other religions and making minority people live a life in continuous fear, raping nuns, burning people of other religion, massacring the innocents, all these things will come back soon and will become the order of the day under BJP's rule. BJP and their organisations like RSS, VHP & Bajrang Dal will enjoy these fascist methods for now. But in longer run, these people will take this country to barbarism, the same way Taliban did for Afghanistan. So this is a sort of Talibanisation of India.

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