Amol, you have typed and we have read enough. Now listen to us.
Your own congress and communist parties committed many more crimes than the BJP - the difference is that while BJP did everything openly, your pals chose the other way ..
Next - NOBODY NEEDS YOUR CERTIFICATE ON BEING A HINDU .. GOT IT? You are nobody to define Hinduism!
If you can type nonsense just becuase you have a keyboard in your hands, others can do the same ...
and one mroe thing - when People like you burned women and children at Godhra, the others promptly responded by doing the same and when your celebrations (while Godhra Victims were burning) turned sore, you turned crybabies and started talking about Minoroties, Protection, Human Rights and Blah Blah! DONT YOU THINK A FEW OTHERS IF NOT MANY, UNDERSTAND THESE POLITICAL GAMES?