when bomb blasts took place , culprits cornerd, all expences , incurred from such incidents should be penalised from these culprits and not from the public money. and they should be publically flogged.
'Hindu girls targeted by extremists' Thursday, February 22, 2007
Muslim extremists who try to force teenage Hindu girls to convert to Islam are being targeted in a new police crackdown. The recruiters often paid 5,000 British Pounds - About Rupees Fifty Thousand - for each success and are stepping up aggressive conversion tactics, especially around universities, religious leaders believe. The Metropolitan Police have stepped in after Commissioner Sir Ian Blair said many Hindus felt neglected by Scotland Yard. Some young students have been beaten up and forced to abandon their courses by extremists, Hindu leaders told a security conference. Islamic extremists invited the girls on dates before beginning campaigns of 'terrorism' until they converted, they claimed. Ramesh Kallidai, from the Hindu Forum of Britain, said: Extremist Muslims make life miserable for Hindu girls. Some are petrified; they feel these men have complete hold on them. One girl was beaten up in the street and others have been forced to leave university. The problem was most common in cities such as Birmingham, Leeds and Bradford, he added, while London universities had at least two or three cases each. Mr Kallidai estimated hundreds of girls had been targeted, with some reports of Muslim boys being offered £5,000 'commissions.
The National Union of Students said it did not want to discriminate against Muslims but agreed some extremists were causing concern. They have managed to infiltrate Brunel University in West London, Bedfordshire University, Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University, according to a Muslim charity. Sheikh Musa Admani, a 'troubleshooting' imam, fears many radicals are easily by-passing university bans on extremist sects such as Hizb ut Tahrirs and Al-Mujahiroun.
SCOTLAND YARD is to set up a Hindu Safety Forum with aggressive conversion as its top priority. Sir Ian said: 'There is a feeling in the Hindu community that we have not given them as much attention as other groups.
Dear Brothers, Good job. Both of you are doing a wonderful job by condenming each other's religion. The venom you spill out for each other is extraordinary. You are doing a great job to fulfill the desires of terrorists who have done this. They wanted this hate to grow and we are exactly playing in their hands. Please do take out some time and read scriptures of each other religion and I am sure you would conclude that no religion preaches hatred.
I can very well understand that when these kind of incidents happen, our minds get incited, the pain and grief in us explode and make our thinking revengeful. We need understand this nature of our mind and react with restraint.
God has made this beautiful mankind and he loves variation, thats why HE made lakhs of varietites of living beings. He has also given us the choice to think differently and adopt the religion of our choice. All religions end up with the same goal that is unite with GOD. I am yet to find a religion with different goal. But look at our dubious nature we all propogate to love GOD and then .... 1. RAM is the Hindu name to God, a muslim would not mind if you abuse RAM. 2. ALLAH is a muslim name to God, a Hindu wont mind if you abuse ALLAH. 3. VAHEGURU is a sikh name to God, but nither Hindu nor Muslim would mind if you abuse VAHEGURU.
But just imagine how a muslim, hindu, sikh or christian would react if you abuse their name given to the GOD. Or for that matter how would you react if your prophets are abused.
How hollow is our understanding of our own religion is clearly reflected by the way we behave. I do not believe in propogating non violence, cause at times violence or fighting is the only way out to get justice. We all adore Bhagat Singh. But then killing innocent people is sinful and treacherous, no matter who do it - Muslim, Hindu, Sikh or Christian.
We the educated people reflecting our thoughts through these forums, we should restrain ourselves. - Let the muslims come forward and raise their voice against the attrocities done by the misguided people of their community. - Let the Hindus admit their mistake what they did on the streets of Gujarat. - Let the Sikhs admit the mistakes done by thier brethren in Punjab. Condemning each other would not resolve the issues. We need to respect each other. Our kashmiri brothers may have some real griveances against us, lets listen to them patiently and with love. Our patient hearing may subside their anger by more than 80% and I feel the rest 20% can be resolved through our intelligence. Similarly the muslim brothers should realise the angst and pain of kashmiri pundits. But this can only be done by us the people of India at the ground level and definetely not at political level. As these politicians survive on the carnages and hatred.
Please stop this offence and counter offence methodology of discussion. Kabir ji says "AVAL ALLAH NOOR UPAYA KUDRAT KE SABH BANDE" Let us each accept this fact that OUR GOD is neither Hindu, Muslik, Sikh or Christian. for HIM all are equals.
I may sound stupid to some people who may find it difficult to accept these thoughts, as their mind is attuned to revengeful thinking. For them I would pray to Almighty to bless us with love, calm and compusure. May God bless us all..
RE:Dear Brothers
by deepak deshpande on Feb 23, 2007 07:33 PM Permalink
Dear Navneet,You are indeed naive. Being well meaning does not solve the problems. Your own double standards and cowardice vis a vis muslims is exposed when you talk of Gujrat riots without talking about Godhara.You have not asked Muslims to apologise for Godhara. You ignore the Reality that Islamic terrorists are not 'misguided'.They are only following the preaching of Koran of Killing the 'infidels'. Take the trouble of reading the Koran and see the fanaticism ingrained in it.That is why you find Islamic terrorists all over the world e.g. London , Spain, Indonesia, Chechnya, Thailand and even China.Wherever Muslims grow in sizable numbers, they create problems for others.There is a Madan committee report appointed by Congress Govt in Maharashtra that says that all riots are started by Muslims.This is the Muslim psyche to which you are blind like an ostrich. You are not only stupid but also an ignorant illiterate who does not know what fanaticism Koran contains. Donot live in ivory tower and In Nehru's words an imaginary world of your own creation. -- Deepak Deshpande
RE:RE:Dear Brothers
by ! on Feb 23, 2007 11:18 PM Permalink
You sound like a fanatic bro. The well meaning one above had less venom than you do. You and the terrorists have more in common than you and the one who are hurt by this carnage. Its not about Muslims alone. It's about people who would kill.
RE:RE:RE:Dear Brothers
by deepak deshpande on Feb 23, 2007 11:31 PM Permalink
Brother, if facts appear as venom to you, fault is yours. Whatever I wrote is fact. Ostrichlike mentality that refuses to see reality will take us to doom.-- Deepak Deshpande
RE:RE:RE:RE:Dear Brothers
by John Grisham on Mar 01, 2007 10:57 AM Permalink
Dude... U have mentioned Chechnya but you know what is goign on there ? Have you seen any pictures of Grozny ?? dont know what is that .. Thailand -- do u know how the Mulims are treated there .. 200 of them had been pushed in a Truck like logs and most of them died ..this is how they treat ..what do u expect ?
RE:Dear Brothers
by John Grisham on Mar 01, 2007 11:02 AM Permalink
Dear Navneet, I appreciate your thoughts. India needs people who can think over the religion, and help India to grow. To make it super power. Obviouslly when APJ Kalam would have been desiging Missile , thought of being Muslim would not have crossed his mind but Indian. Same must be true for our Primie Minister. Back in 91 when he was finance Minister. But many here and their leaders first think of being from a religion and then Indian.
After this blast our great "actor" railway minister had announced 10 L compensation to the pakistanis. God knows how the hell he can spoil the money of nation on the terrorists. This job should be done by Pak govt;not by us. we should be human with only humans. These guys have never shown any humanity with us. Please remeber Kashmir. But how we can expect anything from politicians. If they are ready to give mercy to Afzal....huhhhhhh I wish to aver ..this is not my country what I was expecting.
As I sat near the window the train whistled to move within few minutes it catched up speed looking at the track I saw a shadow running she enterd through the door and sat beside me I looked in her eyes and she shyed away she looked pale, with pain on her face I could not resist and asked her my way who she was and where she tend to go she said she was death and not sure where to go she had been so busy and travelling alot had her journey to Godhra and now to Panipat She thought for some time and sighed to me things are now no more the same the man who hated her now love her the most before i could say another thing to her she just broke down and cried a loud she said, she had no rest and no time to sleep O Man! please forgive me and let me some sleep please stop the bloodbath and let me some peace..
It is unfortunate that this human tragedy has exposed ourself. It is a pity that we have not able to overcome our prejudices and be empathetic to the people who have suffered. Instead we are fighting a battle among ourselves to prove each another wrong. Let us all do a self analysis. Godhra Train Carnage and aftermath Bombay Bomb Blast and aftermath Punjab miltancy 1984 riots Jallianwala Bagh 1919 Is there any single community which has not done the sin of killing humanity. No religion has ever preached hatred. It is the evil human mind (who probaly lacks the intelligence to comprehend religion) is responsible for these carnages. Let us not play in the hands of these evil minds. Let us postpone our hatred to some other day. God Bless us..
RE:Human Mind
by samad khan on Feb 22, 2007 03:46 PM Permalink
Human mind it is really wonderfull to hear some one talking peace other wise on all these blogs we can only see people out to kill each other . U r very true that no religion teaches this and U r true that people from all religions have done this sin of killing humanity .Lets stop that .
We should cooperate our inteligence people. Terrorists are targeted indian and getting support from Pakistan.They are the people who given the support to grow .What abt Dawood whos is lives in Pak and several other people.They are suffering their own people,let them suffer and lose their own people lifes.It would be the lession for pakistan,whos should not promoting the extreemists.Some of our nationals are supporting the pakistan people ,becoz of them only they are doing this kind of incidents. Any suggestion from any one of you would be apprecite.
RE:Its a sad news
by sanjay ahuja on Feb 21, 2007 02:01 PM Permalink
babu bajrangi and his mentors live in india only, why not start with eliminating them first?
RE:RE:Its a sad news
by Fighter on Feb 28, 2007 06:30 AM Permalink
because of them you are still alive... Pakistanis(Jihadis) have wiped out your community in Pakistan during partition and you came as refugee in our country. Dont forget that. Its we who helped you, but still you are favouring them who massacred you community.
RE:Its a sad news
by Naveen Pradeep on Feb 21, 2007 05:59 PM Permalink
Dear Prasad, please dont blame our neighbouring nation without any proof. I do agree that pakisthan once supported the terrorists because of some political reasons but the story is different now. Both India and Pakisthan are trying to go hand in hand to sort out the issue. Recently there were bomb blasts in Pakisthan too which killed many of our brothers and sisters.
Please stop posting messages that hurt Pakisthani brothers and sisters. Better pray for the victims and their families.
RE:RE:Its a sad news
by Bipin P Varankar on Feb 21, 2007 01:43 PM Permalink
Plz Naveen if ur feeling so much for Pakisthani brothers and sisters so u can go and join them for JIHAD
It was very very shocking news.How the few devils do such crimes and blame others, anyhow GOD will not keep quite he will punish.Lets,pray for the victims.
by Bipin P Varankar on Feb 21, 2007 01:47 PM Permalink
Hey farhathullah khan, PIYUSH PUJARA had wrote for u and even I will say to u that plz tell ur religion to stop this blood game. Otherwise....
by Tabrez on Feb 22, 2007 07:53 AM Permalink
Otherwise what??
You will chant Jai Shri Ram and proceed to tear the womb of a pregnant woman and pull the embryo out with the tip of the sword. The embryo is brandished hanging from the sword. A resounding cheer of Jai Shri Ram!... AS YOU DID IN GUJARAT...
It doesn't even happen in Iraq... The worst of criminal and terrorists would be aghasted, if they even hear it... You guys have done it!!! And then, you blame us and throw baseless allegations... Shame on you...
Well.. it doesn't matter whatever you do or say dude.. Islam is a peaceful religion and unfortunately, there are some followers who are misguided by various reasons, but not the religion.. Got IT???
by DHARMENDRA CHAUHAN on Feb 22, 2007 11:59 AM Permalink
Otherwise,you will chant "Allah ho Akbar" each time your jihadis raping a hindu woman in Bangladesh.Shame on you also.If you really a peaceloving muslim then go through these pages in web .hrcbmdfw.org/files/22/population_data/entry489.aspx ,library.louisville.edu/government/international/bangladesh/bangcensus.Muslims are always wanting to eliminate hindus.
by Mohammad kashif on Feb 22, 2007 08:40 PM Permalink
what muslims did in Bangladesh you did in Gujraat,Moradabad,Ayodya,Bhagalpur meerut Delhi and not only with muslims but also with Sikhs in 84 against cristian.
What would you say about this so called tolrent Hindu World