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RE:Dear Brothers
by deepak deshpande on Feb 23, 2007 07:33 PM

Dear Navneet,You are indeed naive. Being well meaning does not solve the problems. Your own double standards and cowardice vis a vis muslims is exposed when you talk of Gujrat riots without talking about Godhara.You have not asked Muslims to apologise for Godhara.
You ignore the Reality that Islamic terrorists are not 'misguided'.They are only following the preaching of Koran of Killing the 'infidels'.
Take the trouble of reading the Koran and see the fanaticism ingrained in it.That is why you find Islamic terrorists all over the world e.g.
London , Spain, Indonesia, Chechnya, Thailand and even China.Wherever Muslims grow in sizable numbers, they create problems for others.There is a Madan committee report appointed by Congress Govt in Maharashtra that says that all riots are started by Muslims.This is the Muslim psyche to which you are blind like an ostrich. You are not only stupid but also an ignorant illiterate who does not know what fanaticism Koran contains. Donot live in ivory tower and In Nehru's words an imaginary world of your own creation. -- Deepak Deshpande

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